barrThe Attorney General Is Already Subverting the 2020 Elections

A New Washington Post Piece by ICAP’s Executive Director


ICAP’s Executive Director Joshua Geltzer explains in the Washington Post how Attorney General William Barr is already distorting the November 2020 elections. Here’s an excerpt:

There are four ways that Barr’s approach to running the Justice Department imperils the vote: He’s letting off the hook those who contributed to interference in the last election; he’s undermining confidence in the government’s ability to protect the coming election; he’s signaling to bad actors that helping President Trump win will garner them special treatment under the law; and he’s spreading disinformation about the potential for voter fraud.

Read the full piece here.



Joshua Geltzer
Institute for Constitutional Advocacy and Protection

Executive Director and Visiting Professor of Law, Georgetown Law’s Institute for Constitutional Advocacy and Protection