The State Department Should Designate the Russian Imperial Movement as a Foreign Terrorist Organization

Evgeniy Isaev (CC BY 2.0)

On April 6, the federal government designated the Russian Imperial Movement (RIM) and three of its leaders as Specially Designated Global Terrorists (SDGTs). Although this was a step forward in combating violent white supremacy, it’s less than you might think, and less than today’s threat demands. Mary McCord and Jon Lewis wrote a piece on Lawfare explaining why. Here’s an excerpt:

Although important, an SDGT designation is part of a complicated economic sanctions regime that is effective at incentivizing corporate compliance but is not as effective a counterterrorism investigative tool as the criminal prohibitions on providing material support or resources to a designated FTO. Thus, alone, the SDGT designation is unlikely to have a significant impact on the activity of individuals or groups drawn to RIM’s extremist and violent ideology.

Read the full article here.

