Inspiring Bureaucrats: The Lost Art of the Policy Paper

Even those, therefore, who have hesitated to accept so grand an optimism, are-many of them-wholeheartedly supporting the Liberal policy. Even if it takes more than a year to get going, even if it costs the taxpayer something, even if it brings employment to no more than 400,000 or 500,000 additional men, what does it matter ?

It will be a move in the right direction. It will be far better than” the snoring and roaring policies” of each of the two other parties.

No one has put this point of view more clearly than Lord Grey :- “ Even if the policy does not succeed in doing all that is hoped of it,” he says, “ even if the pledge turns out to be over-sanguine, even if the policy takes two or three or four years to accomplish ali the results we hope for, it will not be by any means a failure; it wil still remain the right policy.” (Keynes, 1929)

To be published

