Innovations, Research and What it Means for the Future

The future of innovation is heavily entangled with industry and infrastructure and has many things to offer. I find this topic fascinating and have decided to take this opportunity to deepen my understanding of the topic. Research and development or R&D is the term used to describe a department or multiple related departments in a business that focus on creating original inventions. Nearly any possible solution or meaningful step in the right direction for sustainability will be in large part contributed by innovation. Whether this innovation comes from a massive company like Tesla or a passionate researcher, to see their goals fully realized industry will play a large role in the mass production or effectiveness of said innovation.

I will be focusing on the potential innovations the world has to offer and where they might come for or what they’ll look like. By understanding the importance of innovation through research, large companies can make the first step in producing something which is crucial for breakthroughs to move to a sustainable energy economy. This can come in many forms as I will dive into new technology, the political landscape that can make this industry feasible and most importantly how we can expect this environmental shift to play out. There are many things to be gained from understanding how future innovations may change the landscape of our reality or how others have failed to do so and why.

Learning from past mistakes is a major step in the progression of our technological advancements and the safety of our future. I am personally invested in this topic as allocation of resources to R&D is something that is going to need to increase year after year as covid-19 spreads and the atmosphere collects more and more carbon. I am also interested as to in what form this breakthrough sustainable energy will take and how industries will adapt. The governmental infrastructure of this industry will likely be highly regulated and there are pros and cons to that, but making sure individual actors in an industry are held accountable is of the utmost importance. This is why I believe that creating a social initiative before legal would lead to the greatest outcome. Obtaining information on the latest developments and prospects of these industries can help the average person navigate the future of green industry and develop the social understanding that is necessary for the continuation of a healthy Earth.

Some important questions that will aid my findings will be researching topics such as what government subsidies may look like for R&D, potential innovation made in the sustainable energy sector, and what we can learn from past early adopter industry leaders who couldn’t successfully realize their initiatives.

