The Fastest Way to Find and Review Grants: Instrumentl’s New Matches Tab

Published in
2 min readNov 21, 2018

When Instrumentl automatically searches the whole wide world for your grant matches, you can end up with a lot of grants. That can be a good thing, but reviewing a lot of grants can also be overwhelming, especially if you don’t want to miss out on a potentially great fit.

That’s why we launched a faster and easier way to review your Instrumentl grant matches with the new, improved Matches Tab.

Here’s how it works:

Head over to any of your Projects and click on the “Matches” tab.

Scroll through the grants listed on your Matches tab to quickly review the amounts, deadlines, eligibility, preferences, aggregated details from a funder’s 990, and more.

Click to view the funders website, share the grant with a friend by clicking on “Share this grant,” mark it as “Not Interested” or “Save” it for later.

You can also leave notes for yourself or a colleague and change the status of a grant directly from the improved Matches Tab.

Your saved grants will get tracked via the Instrumentl Grant Tracker. Use your Tracker to see all of your progress in one place and get automatic deadline reminders so submission and reporting deadlines don’t fall through the cracks.

We hope the new, improved Matches Tab makes your grant research even more efficient and fruitful.

Don’t have an Instrumentl account yet? Start your 14-day free trial today.

