Its a Wrap!

Dhananjai Sinha
Published in
3 min readMar 19, 2017

Drummer’s play, the first volume

We just concluded with the very first volume of Drummer’s Play,
an omnibus which we plan to curate over time,
to showcase practicing home musicians from their own spaces at various places, playing their instruments of choice.

The drums was what we decided to start out with,
for which we reached out to a versatile pool of drummers from around the world,
with their own styles and influences,
coming from different age groups.

To be honest, we had no expectations going into this, and no targets to race with.
The basic concept was on test here, more so for the musicians themselves than for us,
to gauge how they take up the concept and respond to it,
and what their own feedback was.
We wanted to see where it went, on its own, organically.

The idea of bringing together a group of musicians from their respective circles and making these circles intersect,
cross- promoting their work and their skills to a different audience,
the ecosystem within which they practiced their art,
and their influences and milestones,
their collective clout.

They say that the first time is always an experiment,
to take forward what you learn from it, and build on it.
We have taken heart from the response we got.
We had serious, talented musicians who engaged with us,
shared with us their videos and their opinions,
There were some extremely talented ones who we couldn’t get on board,
who had their own limitations in sharing their content,
but who applauded the concept and what it intended to do,
and gave us some valuable insights.

We’ve identified areas of improvement,
things we could have done better,
mostly with respect to how we treat the videos which the musicians contributed,
and we know how to go about with the next instrument-musician plays we feature,
better than we did the first time.
Continuous improvement, we think, is the best way to move forward.

Drummer’s Play: Volume 1 is an omnibus
of eleven talented and accomplished drummers,
behind the kit,
doing what they do best,
putting the focus back on the musician,
rather than just the show.

We would like to thank each one of them,
the relationship we’ve made with them
and also the ones who we’ve interacted with,
but couldn’t necessarily feature.
Your support and feedback at this stage means the world to us,
and gives us the encouragement to carry on with this concept.

We envision Instrupad to be a play space for musicians,
an avenue to showcase the relationship they have with their instruments.
A lot of talented drummers have reached out to us post volume 1,
and we plan to feature them in subsequent volumes of Drummer’s Play,
and we take heart in it,
the musicians who have taken up the idea,
and helped us build on it,
the response we have,
and the journey we have set out on.

Our next instrument showcase will be finalized shortly,
and we’ll come back soon enough,
with another pool of talented musicians,
and their video plays.
(We’re split for choice between two instruments as of now)

Till then, we would like to thank everyone involved
with volume 1 of Drummer’s Play,
from the musicians,
people who love and support what we’re doing,
and our cheerleading team,
which has always kept our morale up all this while
and has faith in what we’re doing,

For now, I would like to end this note here,
with two cryptic words.
“Richard Barbieri,
“Stuart Zender”
Go figure.
And tell those who you think should know about it,
if you have.
And stay tuned.



Dhananjai Sinha

Timer turner, rationalist, subjective perceptionist.