2023 Forecast: 10 Innovations to Watch

Busra Ozgumus
3 min readDec 21, 2022


As the year comes to a close, it’s natural to start looking ahead to the future and wondering what the next year will bring. At Insumo, we’re always on the lookout for the latest and greatest innovations, so we asked our team to share their thoughts on what they believe will be the most exciting ideas and have the potential to be game-changers in the new year.

Photo by Werner Du plessis on Unsplash

Here are our top 10 predictions for the year ahead.

  1. Advanced AI and machine learning. Artificial intelligence has come a long way in recent years, and we expect to see even more impressive advancements in 2023. From improved natural language processing to more advanced decision-making capabilities, AI will continue to transform industries and make our lives easier and GPT-4 is rumored to arrive here in Q2 next year. In 2023, we anticipate AI-centric founders prioritizing the creation of user-centric products as they continue to innovate in their field.
  2. VR & AR experiences. Virtual and augmented reality technology has already made significant strides, and with the mainstreamization (this is a legit word, trust me) of AI we expect to see even more impressive uses in the coming year. From immersive entertainment experiences to virtual training and collaboration, these technologies have the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with the world.
  3. More efficient renewable energy sources. As concerns about climate change continue to grow, we expect to see a focus on finding more sustainable and efficient energy sources. From advances in solar panel technology to new developments in wind energy, we’re excited to see what the next year brings in terms of renewable energy.
  4. Personalized medicine. This is a big area with bigger promises but today we are talking about personalized medicine. With the help of advanced AI and machine learning, we expect to see more personalized medicine options in the coming year. By analyzing individual genetic and health data, and tailoring treatment plans to the specific needs of the patients, the consumer experience in healthcare will be improved significantly.
  5. Improved transportation technology. From self-driving cars to new developments in public transportation, we expect to see significant advancements in the way we get around in 2023. These technologies have the potential to improve safety, reduce traffic congestion, and make transportation more accessible for everyone. Did you watch Marques Brownlee’s Tesla Self Driving video?
  6. Virtual education and training. With the shift to online learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we expect to see more virtual education and training options in the coming year. From virtual classrooms to interactive training programs, these technologies have the potential to make education and professional development more accessible and convenient.
  7. Increased automation in manufacturing. As technology continues to advance, we expect to see more automation in manufacturing in 2023. From robots handling tasks on the production line to advanced supply chain management, automation has the potential to improve efficiency and reduce costs in the manufacturing industry.
  8. Web3-native games. Web3 has potential to revolutionize the gaming industry and offer new opportunities for both developers and players. Web3 in games allows players to own in-game assets securely, allows players to create and manage their own in-game experiences, creates new revenue streams, and offers a more immersive gaming experience. It also provides increased security against hacks and scams.
  9. Personalized Metaverse. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the shift towards virtual and remote worlds, and we expect to see even more developments in this area in 2023. Generations Y, Z, and Alpha expect self-expression in the Metaverse. Any add-on to the metaverse from fashion to work-related customization will shine in 2023. As the Insumo team, we are happily using our fully customized digital office, Gather for the last year.
  10. Personalized nutrition and wellness plans. With the help of advanced AI and machine learning, we expect to see more personalized nutrition and wellness plans in the coming year. By analyzing individual health data, wellness professionals will be able to create customized plans that help people reach their health and fitness goals more effectively.

Overall, we’re excited to see what the next year brings in terms of innovation and progress. From advances in AI and renewable energy to improvements in transportation and cybersecurity, there are so many exciting developments on the horizon. Stay tuned for updates on these and other exciting innovations in 2023!



Busra Ozgumus
Editor for

Co-founder @Insumo. Yogini, bookworm, productivity junkie, ex-VC and agritech enthusiast.