4 ideas to stay productive over winter break

Anka Uysal
3 min readJan 3, 2023


The holiday season is here. It’s very tempting to leave all your worries and responsibilities behind and spend some carefree time with your friends and family. Not to say that you shouldn’t spend time relaxing, but still having some sort of a schedule will help you improve yourself over the holidays and ease your transition back into work or school once the break is over. Here are a few stress-free ideas to integrate into your schedule and improve yourself during the holidays.

- Find an internship

Especially if you’re a student, chances are you want to explore new areas, improve your skills, and gain some experience. You’re in luck because many companies look for interns over the winter break. Since it won’t be a long-term internship and you’ll be interning for a shorter amount of time than usual, this will likely be a lighter internship where you can simply explore new things without too much stress.

Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

- Start reading

With a heavy workload since the summer, you might not have found the time to read much. Many of us have books that we bought with such excitement but have been sitting on the bookshelf for a long while now. Well, this is your chance to catch up. Spend some time reading during the holidays. You can find new coffee shops to read books, or simply read at home and make yourself a cup of coffee.

Photo by Alexandra Fuller on Unsplash

- Gain new skills

Since your workload is now lighter, this is a perfect time to try out something new and gain skills. Through many online resources, you can take classes and tutorials about basically anything you want. One example could be learning a new programming language. Many of these languages can be self-taught through online resources. Recognizing how important these languages are becoming in the developing digital world, you would be placing yourself one step ahead.

Photo by Christopher Gower on Unsplash

- Try out a new habit

Perhaps you’ve been wanting to introduce a new habit into your daily routine but haven’t had the time to do so. Since this is the time when your schedule is most relaxed, this is the perfect time to integrate the new habit into your routine. For example, if you always wanted to wake up early and go out to run, trying it out now to see what sort of effect it has on your day would be ideal. Trying it out now instead of when you’re overwhelmed with work will allow you to introduce the new habit into your daily routine much more effectively. Plus — you can track your new habit with Insumo!

Photo by Huckster on Unsplash

