5 Minute Guided Ocean Meditation

Relax Your Mind, Spirit, and Soul- in just 5 minutes!

Ceylan Ersoy
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1 min readDec 14, 2021


Throw all your excuses about not having the time to meditate out the window. You deserve a down-time among all the responsibilities, challenges, and hardships of the day. Gift your mind and spirit with a quick meditation that will help recharge your soul. Here is a 5 minute guided “ocean” meditation for today.

Start by finding a comfortable space and lie down on your back.

Step 1: Give yourself time to relax by breathing deeply into your stomach.

Step 2: Imagine yourself lying on the bottom of the ocean surrounded by sand and seashells.

Step 3: Focus your attention on specific parts of your body going from your toes to the top of your head.

Step 4: When thoughts or concerns interrupt your focus, imagine them floating away in an air bubble.

Step 5: Continue doing this until your timer hits 5 minutes.

Repeat this meditation practice as many times as you like. Even better, share the journey with your friends. Download the Insumo app now and create a streak for yourself to see how many days in a row you complete this daily meditation!



Ceylan Ersoy
Writer for

I am an alumnus of UC Berkeley with a BA in Psychology and minors in Human Rights and Theater. I specialize in the creation of news content.