5 tips to start your day energized (& be productive throughout the whole day):

Anka Uysal
3 min readNov 16, 2022


Do you often wake up and find yourself crawling back in bed? Do you nap around the whole day, only to realize at night that you did nothing productive? We’ve all been there. Here are 5 tips to prevent a lazy day.

Make your bed -

Waking up is always hard, especially on a cold day, when you are leaving your warm bed to start a busy day. However, making your bed as one of the first actions of the day will help you start the day by being productive. An unmade bed can be very tempting to go back into bed at any time during the day. Making your bed will help prevent this temptation and allow you to differentiate your day from your night.

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Tidy up your room and living spaces -

It is overwhelming and difficult both mentally and physically to be productive when you are surrounded by mess. A messy desk will not be appealing for you to sit and get some work done, the same way a dirty kitchen will not motivate you to cook healthy foods. Putting the mess away, cleaning, and organizing your living space will not only make your life easier physically, but mentally as well, as you will have a clear head to make a fresh start to the day.

Photo by Alexandra Gorn on Unsplash

Take a shower in the morning -

Whether you are a morning shower person or a night shower person, you know how refreshing a shower can be. If you struggle with feeling motivated for your day when you wake up, a quick shower may help with that. A warm shower is linked to reducing feelings of anxiety by relaxing both your muscles and your thoughts. On the other hand, a cold shower will increase your blood circulation, metabolism, and heart rate, which will wake your body up and get it going for the rest of the day. No matter the type of shower you take, it will wake you up and energize you.

Photo by Sidekix Media on Unsplash

Take a short walk -

Taking a walk is proven to have many health benefits. Getting a short exercise in the morning to keep your body moving will improve your blood circulation and increase your energy. It will help clear your mind from any anxieties you might have. Also, it will have many benefits in the long term, such as reducing your risk of heart disease, preventing weight gain, and in general, making you feel better — which is also a bonus. You could pick up a cup of coffee on the way, or listen to your favorite music while walking, which would make your walk even more enjoyable.

Photo by Reinhart Julian on Unsplash

Have a good breakfast -

Starting your day with a nutritious breakfast is crucial. As you have probably heard before, “breakfast is the most important meal of the day.” Balancing your plate with carbs and proteins, while staying away from sugar, will energize you, alongside helping with your concentration and memory during the day. Don’t forget — food is fuel!

Photo by Ali Inay on Unsplash

If you want to incorporate more of these tips into your daily routine and start every day feeling even more energized, check out the Insumo app!

