5 Ways to Avoid Seasonal Depression

Ceylan Ersoy
2 min readNov 9, 2021


As we have crossed the long-awaited October 31st mark, you might find yourself waiting for Michael Bublé or Mariah Carey to defrost and remind you of the holiday cheer. But, it’s not all fun and games; the beginning of November is also a key time where we start seeing many cases of SAD- which is the acronym for seasonal affective disorder, a form of depression that can be triggered by changes in the weather and daylight.

While many of us did enjoy that additional hour of sleep for daylight savings last week, you might have found your mood somewhat lower than usual. So, here are 5 tips to help lift your mood!

  1. Purchase a light box- experts recommend using a lightbox within the first hour of waking up.
  2. Prioritize social activities- make plans with your loved ones this week.
  3. Use essential oils- aromatherapy can help reduce anxiety.
  4. Exercise- moving and being more active can help alleviate the symptoms of SAD.
  5. Get Vitamin D- this may help combat the negative effects of lack of sunlight exposure.

Looking for more tips & tricks? Discover mindfulness and health habits on the Insumo app!



Ceylan Ersoy

I am an alumnus of UC Berkeley with a BA in Psychology and minors in Human Rights and Theater. I specialize in the creation of news content.