Artificial Intelligence and Habit Building

Cem Polatoglu
2 min readJan 5, 2023


Photo by Markus Winkler

Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to revolutionize the way we build habits and make positive changes in our lives. Here are a few ways that AI is being used to support habit-building:

  1. Personalized coaching and feedback: AI can be used to provide personalized feedback and coaching to help individuals develop new habits. For example, a mobile app could track an individual’s progress and provide encouragement and support based on their specific goals and challenges.
  2. Predictive analytics: AI can analyze an individual’s past behavior and use predictive analytics to suggest new habits that they may be more likely to adopt. For example, a fitness tracker could suggest a new exercise routine based on an individual’s past workouts and goals.
  3. Gamification: AI can be used to create engaging, interactive experiences that make habit-building more fun. For example, a mobile app could gamify the process of forming a new habit by turning it into a challenge or game, with rewards for achieving milestones.
  4. Personalized recommendations: AI can analyze an individual’s behavior and preferences to make personalized recommendations for new habits to try. For example, a wellness app could recommend new healthy habits based on an individual’s current lifestyle and goals.

Briefly, AI has the potential to make habit-building more personalized, interactive, and effective. By using data and analytics to understand an individual’s unique needs and preferences, AI can help people build lasting habits and achieve their goals.

Did you know there is such an app on the market, using all the new applications of AI to help people build habits? Insumo is a mobile app that uses AI to help individuals make positive changes in their lives. The app tracks an individual’s progress and provides personalized feedback and coaching based on their specific goals and challenges. If you want to listen to your productive self, check out Insumo App to be more productive today:

