Easy Exercise Habit Tips for Wellbeing and Positivity

Why Does Physical Activity Matter During Covid-19?

Ceylan Ersoy
Published in
4 min readApr 27, 2021


When was the last time you tried to convince yourself to go for a run, or restart your gym subscription, or take a yoga class in the park? While exercising may have been a daunting task pre-Covid, it is an even bigger challenge given the global pandemic and its everlasting effects on our motivation. But, it is extremely important to consider how you can make exercise a part of your daily routine and develop the right physical activity habits. Let’s dive in!

Why is Exercise Necessary For our Wellbeing

Physical activity offers a lot of benefits that can include anything from enhancing your overall mood, helping you feel and become healthier, and more! Here are 5 ways in which exercise benefits you.

Physical activity helps control weight

Intense activity can help burn a lot of calories; but, even getting a little bit of exercise done every day makes all the difference. You can start by starting to take the stairs more or integrating a little dance routine into your daily chores.

Exercise helps you fight diseases better

Physical activity is recommended to help prevent heart disease, high blood pressure, cholesterol, stroke, depression, anxiety, diabetes, metabolic syndromes, and more.

Physical activity improves your mood

When you feel like you are having an off day, just get your workout or even take a short walk. Exercise helps stimulate brain chemicals that trigger happiness and reduce stress. Physical activity also boosts energy by enhancing your muscle strength and endurance by delivering necessary nutrients to your tissues.

Physical activity can induce better sleep

Research shows that regular exercise can allow you to fall asleep faster, deepen sleep and ensure a better quality of sleep.

Exercise enhances sexual activity

Physical intimacy can require higher energy levels, greater self-esteem, and enhanced mood, which are all things that correlate with more physical activity!

Experts recommend at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity, or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity a week. It is suggested that you spread this activity out in the week to get maximum health benefits. These activities could include walking, running, swimming, and more. Further, it would be beneficial to integrate strength training into your schedule at least twice a week, such as doing weight lifts and more.

Tips for Making Physical Activity a Daily Habit

If you were looking for a sign to follow through on your new year’s goal to exercise more, this is it! If you are finding that difficult, here are 10 tips to help you get started.

  1. You don’t have to do your daily exercise in 1 go; you can spread it out throughout the day, such as 10 minutes in the morning, mid-day, and night.
  2. Find a gym buddy because a workout partner always helps in boosting your motivation and following through on targets.
  3. Transform your daily walks to be brisker. Say, you are walking to the grocery store; imagine you are late and speed it up a little.
  4. Thinking about having a meal; it is better to work out before eating! Go for a quick run before lunch.
  5. Allow technology to support your initiative. Getting a pedometer, an Apple Watch, or any device where you can track your progress could be helpful.
  6. Finding no time to work out? A great way to make time is to cut back on screen time and use that free space for your workout.
  7. Convert resting hours into a mini workout opportunity. For instance, pull up your desk to do your work standing, or do mini pull-ups while watching TV.
  8. Look into fitness classes in your local gym or find a nearby studio if you think the structure would help keep you going.
  9. Clear a daily time for your scheduled physical activity and add that to your calendar.
  10. Give yourself prizes for completing short-term goals!

Exercise During Covid-19

While regular physical activity is necessary for everyone, it is even more critical during the pandemic given it boosts the immune system, may help combat the long sitting times we have at home, help reduce the stress and anxiety that comes with the uncertainty and improve sleep.

Understandably, we are finding exercise to be a harder habit to implement into our routine during this time; but you can see it as an opportunity to go outdoors! You can also take virtual classes or follow online exercising videos, exercise with family and friends, or do household chores integrating calorie-burning exercises.

It may be helpful to find online solutions and resources that can help you in making exercise a part of your daily routine. Check out how Insumo tackles the task! Download the Insumo app now!



Ceylan Ersoy
Writer for

I am an alumnus of UC Berkeley with a BA in Psychology and minors in Human Rights and Theater. I specialize in the creation of news content.