How To Be Productive During Holidays

Nazli Turhan
3 min readJul 30, 2022


Don’t you wish to find the perfect balance between vacation and work? “Work hard, play hard” is real! You can still check your to-do’s while tanning under the sun or on an adventure with your loved ones. The key is to stick to your schedules and manage your time. So, without further ado, here are some steps to enjoy your holidays while keeping up with your work.

Photo by Anastasia Nelen on Unsplash

1. Connect with and call your long-distance friends
Holidays are a great time to celebrate with your people close by and far away. Your long-distance friends are just a phone call or FaceTime away, so take your time to reach out to them and connect over the holidays.

2. De-clutter your space
Take some time to organize your personal or office space. The de-cluttering of space also allows for the de-cluttering of the mind. Try out different organizational strategies; color code, use drawer inserts, and use storage boxes. Donate the clothes you don’t wear or need during the holidays.

Photo by Stephen Phillips on Unsplash

3. E-mail wisely
Designate a specific window of time to go over your e-mails, and ONLY go over your e-mails during that allotted time. The constant notifications from work and advertisements can take away your time with your family and loved ones; it is crucial to set a timeframe to respond to emails and stick to said window throughout the holidays.

4. Do some online shopping
Apart from personal needs and wants, take the time to shop for your loved ones during the holidays. The flexibility and accessibility of online shopping allow you to stay within the confines of your home and spend time with your family while also checking gift requests from your list.

5. Continue your exercise regimen
It would be best if you stuck to your exercise routines, especially during the holidays when the breakfast-lunch-dinner tables boom with colorful meals. A short stroll after dessert, a family outing after breakfast, or any other exercise will help you continue your previous schedule.

Photo by Unsplash

6. Use the AM hours
Don’t sleep your morning and day away. Get up early and catch up on your chores, daily check-ins, and so on. When everyone else is awake, you will have nothing else on your mind other than who will wash the dishes after dinner.

Give these tips and tricks a try, and download the Insumo app to get organized and habit-ed before the holidays!



Nazli Turhan
Writer for

NYU alumni. BA in Media and Writing. Minor in Psych.