The 4 powers of music

Anka Uysal
4 min readDec 13, 2022


Whether you’re a Spotify user or an Apple Music user, music is probably a part of your daily life. As a Spotify user myself, the Spotify Wrapped came out a week ago (if you’re not familiar — a summary of your listening time, your favorite artists, your favorite genres, etc.) and I could say that I’m not surprised. I spent more time listening to music than I probably should have. However, music has become a big part of my life. Accompanying me on a walk, while reading a book, while studying, or when I’m having a dinner party, music has become my best friend — and if you allow the powers of music to do their magic, it can become your best friend too. Here are 4 situations that music can help you reach your maximum well-being.

Photo by Adrian Korte on Unsplash

- Heal you when you’re unhappy

I’m sure that everyone has a go-to song or artist that they listen to when they’re feeling down. For me, it’s usually Lana Del Rey or Adele, but my ultimate song is “Another Love” by Tom Odell. These songs comfort me when I’m in a bad mood as I get reassured that it is okay to feel a certain way and that I’m not alone. Music becomes a hand that helps me back up when I fall. Also, some songs which give you happy feelings can help you escape that space that makes you feel unhappy. For example, there was a time during the pandemic when I felt no motivation to get up, however, one song, which was Dua Lipa’s “Don’t Start Now”, got me back on my feet and dancing even when I was alone. It allowed me to get rid of my negativity and healed my soul. Music will make you feel like you’re not alone in the world and feel supported to recover.

- Uplift you when you’re happy

If I’m in a good mood, I always want some good music playing. This is how I associate some songs with happy memories and so whenever I listen to the same songs again, they make me even happier. I get more excited to get on with my day. For example, some old but gold songs that I used to listen to during road trips with my family always create good vibes for me, no matter what situation I am in. Another strong association for me is with house/techno music. On nights out with my friends, I usually listen to these genres, so when I am doing something that I am not that excited about, listening to the same genre and associating the good energy with the dull thing I’m doing makes the situation more tolerable. If you have any music associated with good memories, listening to those while you’re happy will boost your good mood even higher.

- Become background noise while it’s silent

If you’re one of those who likes the TV on in the back while you’re working on something, you’re not alone. A sound in the back makes wherever you are feel cozier and makes you more comfortable as sound is a natural thing that you’ve become used to hearing. However, instead of playing a movie or TV show that you’ve watched before or that doesn’t interest you in the background, try playing some music. This will be both less distracting than a movie or TV show and it will benefit you as mentioned above. You can choose the music depending on your mood so that it can benefit you in various ways. It can motivate you and get you energized to become more productive.

- Become white noise when it’s noisy

If you’re trying to work in a cafe and the conversation of the people sitting at the table next to you is distracting you, or you’re trying to concentrate on something in a common area where people are talking, music can be of help. If you put on your headphones and listen to music that you love, this will block out any noise that is distracting you. People talking or any other annoying noise that keeps you from becoming your most productive self will disappear through the magic of music. So next time you’re working in a loud environment, put your headphones on and listen to music that will help you concentrate.

For more productivity tips that will help you recognize how you work the best and help you reach your full potential, check out the Insumo app!

Photo by Mohammad Metri on Unsplash

