The complete guide to work smarter, not harder

Anka Uysal
4 min readNov 24, 2022


A lot of times, I find myself stressing over schoolwork, especially when exams are coming up. Many times, I don’t even know where or how to start, which causes me even more anxiety. School is stressful and it will always be. However, it is manageable. Here are 4 essential parts, the when, the where, the what, and the how to work smarter, not harder.

The WHEN: Find out when you study best

This is a very important but varying factor among many people. You could study better at night when the rest of the world is asleep, or you could study better in the morning when everything is fresh and your day has just started. For example, many people I know like to get their sleep early in the night, then wake up early to finish studying. However, even though this is not my favorite habit of mine, I like working later at night because I seem to focus better when the rest of the world is asleep. I find myself less distracted when it’s late at night. So I prefer to sleep late, then wake up a bit later than I normally would to compensate for the sleep. Maybe you’re like me, or maybe you’re the complete opposite. Figuring out what time you work the most efficiently and trying to consistently work during that time instead of trying to study at a time when you cannot focus will make you much more productive. Try them all out, see what you like best, and stick to it!

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The WHERE: Find out where and with who you study best

Some people study in big groups with friends the best, and some study alone the best. You could prefer studying in noisy places that create white noise for you, or in silence. In my opinion, this differs not only from person to person but from class to class. Some classes may be easier to study for when you chat and discuss with your friends, while for some classes, it may be better to read alone in silence. It all depends! I personally tend to get distracted a lot when I study alone; I get bored easily and start scrolling through my phone. When I’m surrounded by people, they keep me on my toes. The environment I am in helps me focus on my work. Sometimes changing my working space every now and then also helps.

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

The WHAT: Study the syllabus before studying for the class

Every class is different. The requirements for each class are different so your approach to each class should not be the same! Some classes may rely on outside readings more, while some classes may be focused solely on lectures. Therefore, before you even start studying, understand the syllabus and what the class expects from you. I’ve had varying experiences regarding my classes. Some of my classes required attendance to all lectures even though they were not mandatory and the exams consisted of topics discussed in class. Some of my classes, however, had no relation to what was discussed in the lecture, and simply knowing the textbook like the back of your hand was enough. Find out what you need to study for so that you don’t spend your time studying for the wrong things!

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The HOW: Plan how you will study

Don’t dive into something without a plan. Making a plan and following it will allow you to become more efficient so that you won’t lose time. Find effective studying methods that work the best for you. I usually start by writing down everything I need to go over and what weaknesses or strengths I have so that I know where to start and what to focus on. Also, this allows me to plan a schedule to see how much time it will take me to study. This prevents cramming all the information the night before and any excessive stress that studying might bring. You can also make use of productivity apps like Insumo, which will help keep you on top of your tasks and be your most productive version.

Photo by Windows on Unsplash

