What does a Recession mean for the General Insurance Industry?

Giri Shankar
Insurance 2030
Published in
4 min readJan 30, 2023
Photo by Vlad Deep on Unsplash

When a common man hears the word “insurance,” they may imagine a variety of things depending on their prior knowledge and experience with insurance. Some common associations may include terms such as — Protection, Security, Premiums, etc. Similarly, when one thinks about Insurance products in general, the average person thinks about Health Insurance, Life Insurance or Auto Insurance at the maximum. This is because they provide coverage for some of the most significant risks and expenses that individuals and families may face and there has been significant awareness and mandates created around the same.

This got me thinking about the general insurance space as a whole and what lies ahead for the industry, given the current economic conditions and a general lack of fondness for such products among the retail audience. In the B2C (business-to-consumer) context, general insurance refers to insurance products that are sold directly to individual consumers, rather than to businesses. These products are designed to protect individuals and their assets from a wide range of risks and losses. Some examples of general insurance products in the B2C context include Home / Property Insurance, Travel Insurance, Personal Accident Insurance, etc.

During periods of recession, the general insurance industry may experience a decline in sales due to a number of factors such as the following,

  • Lesser Disposable income: Consumers have less disposable income during a recession and are more likely to cut back on non-essential expenses such as insurance. This may lead to a decrease in demand for specific insurance products.
  • Reduced Economic activity: Unemployment rates tend to rise during a recession, which means that people may lose their jobs and not have the ability to afford to pay for insurance. Additionally, businesses that are impacted by the recession may also cut back on insurance spending in order to reduce costs. This can include cutting back on commercial insurance policies for their employees, vehicles, and property.
  • Decreasing asset values: Lastly, during a recession, the value of assets such as homes and cars may decrease, which means that people may not see the need to insure them as much as they would during a strong economy.

However, it’s worth noting that some types of insurance such as unemployment insurance may become more popular during a recession, as people lose their jobs and need to find ways to protect their income. Additionally, the insurance industry tends to be countercyclical, meaning that its performance is often opposite to the overall economy. During a recession, people will tend to focus more on risk management and security, which may make insurance more appealing. Hence, it might be critical for companies operating in the general insurance space to capitalize on current economic conditions to capture critical mind share and market share.

Growth approach to capitalize on a recession

General insurance companies can take several approaches to capitalize on a recession and increase their sales and market share. Some of these approaches include,

  • Emphasize the value of insurance: Insurance companies can educate customers about the importance of insurance during a recession. It can help consumers understand that insurance can provide financial protection during difficult times and that paying for insurance now can save them money in the long run.
  • Increase marketing and advertising efforts: Insurance companies can increase their marketing and advertising efforts during a recession to reach more consumers and increase brand awareness. This can be done through various channels such as social media, television, and print media.
  • Develop new products: Insurance companies can develop new products that are specifically tailored to the needs of consumers during a recession. For example, a company might offer an unemployment insurance policy for people who have lost their jobs during the recession.
  • Focus on customer service: Insurance companies can improve their customer service during a recession to retain existing customers and attract new ones. This can include providing helpful advice and answering customer questions quickly and efficiently.
  • Offer competitive pricing: During a recession, consumers are more likely to be price-sensitive. Insurance companies can capitalize on this by offering competitive pricing on their products, which can help attract price-conscious consumers.
  • Offer flexible payment options: During a recession, many consumers may be struggling financially. Insurance companies can capitalize on this by offering flexible payment options such as instalment plans, which can make their products more accessible to these consumers.


With the increasing awareness of the importance of insurance, the number of people who are covered under insurance is also increasing. This has led to an increase in the potential customer base for insurance companies. Overall, the general insurance industry is expected to continue to grow in the coming years, driven by increasing demand for insurance products and services. However, companies need to be proactive in addressing the challenges in order to capitalize on growth opportunities.

