Health Insurance from a brand like Oriental Insurance can be Life Saving

Palash Bhattacharjee
Insurance Stories
Published in
3 min readJun 8, 2016

According to the industry experts, like the Oriental Insurance, some people opt for health insurance plans just for the sake of saving their taxes. Therefore, they tend to purchase any Health Insurance they come across or suggested by their respective insurance agents. Undoubtedly, a medical insurance taken from one of the best companies, say — Oriental Insurance is one of the best ways to get huge tax redemption, but it has other utilities too.

Find the Best Health Insurance in India

So, finally when you have decided to purchase a mediclaim policy, then it’s better to think about your betterment also and not just of your insurance agent’s. Yes, most of the Health Insurance agents are concerned about satisfying their wallets only. So, they would most of the time tell you about those medical insurance policies that would help them to earn high commissions. Frankly speaking, you are not working hard to make your insurance agent’s wallet fat. Therefore, when buying Health Insurance / Car Insurance without investing that whether or not it is from a leading company, like Oriental Insurance or some other, think twice.

Time investment is crucial

In light to the above mentioned issues, before you invest your money on the agents’ proclaimed Best Health Insurance in India, do invest some time and Compare health insurance available with Health Insurance companies operating in India, for example — The Oriental Insurance Company Limited.

Benefits of health insurance plans bought from good companies like Oriental Insurance

  • You might be uninformed of the benefits (apart from tax benefits) offered by an adequate Health Insurance plan from a trustworthy insurance provider like The Oriental Insurance Company Limited. In simple words, a mediclaim policy can be your savior at the time of financial crisis arising due to health issue(s). Therefore, Health Insurance companies like, The Oriental Insurance Company always emphasize on why you should buy an insurance policy without making delays.
  • Almost every Health Insurance company, including Oriental Insurance covers some specific healthcare services. Some of the most common ones are — preventive care, outpatient care, inpatient care, pre and post hospitalization expenses, emergency room trips, prescription drugs, free health check up, etc.
  • If you Compare health insurance plans from different service providers like that of the oriental insurance company ltd, you would find that some Health Insurance policies also provide benefits like, conducting ailment management programs for free and generic medicines at reduced prices.
  • You can also ensure peace of mind by availing the benefits of your Health Insurance plan taken from a reputable company like, Oriental Insurance, even in your old age, provided you make sure to renew your policy, as scheduled.
  • Cashless treatment is another advantage of having an adequate Health Insurance from a reputed service provider like Oriental Insurance. So, you won’t have to worry about arranging cash at the time of emergency.

After going through the pointers mentioned above, you might have understood that your Health Insurance from a company like, Oriental Insurance is way beyond just a tax saving option. Isn’t it?

Health Insurance is important

You might be thinking, what if you don’t need the facilities of Health Insurance, as you are in the pink of your health. Dear reader — medical emergencies are not predictable. Other reasons are given below –

  • Lifestyle diseases are getting very common day by day
  • Availing the best healthcare services is becoming expensive everyday
  • During an medical emergency, arranging money becomes very difficult
  • Your fixed assets cannot be liquated just like that

Most probably, by now you have understood the importance of getting a health insurance, not just for saving taxes, but for saving your life too. So, before it’s too late, check out the websites of different insurance broking companies and find a Health Insurance plan from a reliable company like the Oriental Insurance.

