benefits of a health plan

Mistakes to avoid while buying health insurance

Palash Bhattacharjee
Insurance Stories


Before you buy a health insurance, get to know the policies with respect to the same. Although, lots of information is available on how to buy a policy, very few consider going through the documentations. So, we also make mistakes while buying a plan. Know in detail about the product and the policies and avoid making any mistakes while looking to secure yourself.

medical insurance

Mistakes you should not make

Some of the most common mistakes that we make while buying health insurance, which you need to avoid are:

  • Not knowing what you need — It is extremely important to know what you need. You need to decide which your usual requirements are and which policy would serve you the best. In addition, you should not forget to check all other features of the plan, other than the premium and the deductible. It is always better to use an insurance calculator so that you can easily compare among different offers.
  • Not consulting the insurer — This is one of the most common mistakes that people make while buying a plan. Most of the people think that asking would not look good. However, you need to ask about everything with regards to the product before buying it. Consulting a provider will help clear all your queries and choose among the deals.
  • Not knowing about the policies — Policies in case of security based products can differ from one company to the other. Therefore, you need to have a proper understanding of the policies so that you know what can result in a lapse and how in-network pricing works, when you can get the reimbursement in full or in part and many more.
  • Buying more than required — You should never make the mistake of buying more than what is required. This and the first point are related to one another. So, when you determine your requirements and use a calculator, you can easily make sure how much you require. It is never wise to over insure yourself.
  • Failing to report the changes — If you fail to report the changes to your insurer, such as a change in your address, it can pose to be a serious problem. Another can be if you use tax credits to buy the policy, you need to inform the same to your insurer.

Try to avoid the above said wrong moves and get the best in health insurance for yourself or your family. This way it would also be easier for you to save money on the plan bought.

