Oriental insurance company’s deals with professional excellence

Palash Bhattacharjee
Insurance Stories
Published in
3 min readOct 28, 2017

Oriental insurance company’s car insurance lets you avail a whole lot of options. The policies are wide and provide customers with various requirements. You can renew your Oriental insurance car insurance through the company’s website. Buying an Oriental motor insurance is not at all complicated. Just login into the company’s website will let you opt for your needs. An absolute set of detailed information is provided by Oriental insurance company’s car insurance for your help and guidance. The Oriental insurance company’s car insurance is no doubt customized for the sake of best in class customer service which has allowed the motor insurance company to climb the stairs of success over the years; here are certain features of the Oriental insurance company’s car insurance policies and offers-

  • The professional excellence of Oriental insurance company’s car insurance lies in the availability of customized and tailored plans according to its customer’s needs.
  • Under Oriental insurance company’s car insurance the coverage period is one year that is you can opt for car insurance for the period of one year. But the specialty of Oriental insurance company’s car insurance is that the car insurance company provides motor insurance for a period lesser than one year that is twelve months. Thus you can opt for an Oriental car insurance for a period lesser than one year.
  • Migration of car insurance plans, renewal of Oriental car insurance plan, comparing of Oriental car insurance plan and payment for Oriental car insurance plan and be executed through Oriental insurance company’s car insurance personal online portal.
  • Oriental insurance company’s car insurance provides alternative car benefit allowance of about 400–600 rupees incase of an accident or any damage caused to your car.
  • Under Oriental insurance company’s car insurance you get free benefits without and extra premium as an emergency service through TVS.
  • Oriental insurance company’s car insurance provides NIL depreciation covers in its car insurance plan that is it provides full value of parts incase of a partial damage caused to the insured vehicle.
  • As an Oriental insurance company’s car insurance customer with just an additional payment of 400–600 rupees you get a cover for the damage of your personal belongings.

Oriental car insurance is an insurance covers which provides its customers with a wide range of discounts which are added to the basic covers to make them more acceptable and budget friendly. The Oriental insurance company’s car insurance might not appear budget friendly initially but with the discounts you are sure to grab a deal which will not only fit your budget but will be customized to fit your needs as well. Some of the discounts are

  • Voluntary deductible-its provides discounts under one or multiple plans
  • No Claim Bonus- Oriental car insurance gifts you with additional discounts if you have no made any claims through out your policy year.
  • Automobile Association discount-lets you avail discount on your plans.
  • Anti theft device discounts-installing anti theft devices lets you earn discounts as an car insurance customer. Not only has that it also let you keep your motor vehicle safe.

