To save on policy go for Oriental car insurance

Palash Bhattacharjee
Insurance Stories
Published in
3 min readAug 28, 2017

Your decision to purchase car insurance can be uncertain with the growing expenses. But with an Oriental Car Insurance Company’s car insurance policy you can certainly save a lot. Although, most car insurance companies provide required assistance on switching motor insurance, as car insurance procedures and premium calculations of motor insurance may vary slightly across the country. But your company, Oriental Car Insurance Company’s car insurance makes renewal of existing policy in other state possible as it has a more centralized approach. It is only a matter of filling in a fresh proposal form under Oriental Car Insurance Company’s car insurance. Caution is required as the slightest error can result in the denial of claim by the Oriental Car Insurance Company’s car insurance policy providers. Your specified branch may request for personal inspection of your vehicle and might also insist on other formalities as per the situation.

You can also rely on add-on to make your motor insurance policy cheaper:

  • Covers for Depreciation- In your claim for partial damages to your car, the complete cost of parts will be compensated. No need to apply for depreciation concerning this. But as per the Oriental Car Insurance Company’s car insurance policy terms some deductibles will be charged.
  • Loss of items covers- Accidental damage or theft, loss of personal items will be compensated, if and when costing no more than INR 10,000. Only an extra premium of a certain amount will get you this additional cover offered by Oriental Car Insurance.
  • Substitute car benefits- In return of the extra premiums taken from you, the Oriental Car Insurance Company, will provide you a similar vehicle, as a substitute for a specified period of time in case of accidents or thefts,in case of accidents or thefts. Substitution days varying from 5 to 15 days depending on premium amount. Applicable only if the vehicle is in no condition to be used and damage is more than one-fifth of the IDV paid.
  • Free services- Your break downs will be guarded with free emergency service only when your vehicle is insured under the listed branches of Oriental insurance Company. No premium is levied for this.

A discount of 10% is now being provided by the government on switching companies and oriental insurance is in the list. Buyers of Oriental Car Insurance Company’s car insurance are liable to discounts. But, only if you switch companies as the discounts are kept limited to new policies by the ministry and are not for renewals. The Oriental Insurance Company customers will surely be benefited by the online discount offered by the Oriental Car Insurance Company’s car insurance while they switch companies and buy a policy under insurance. Online discounts makes car insurance policy buying a lot convenient for the policy seekers along with promotion of digital marketing. The Oriental Car Insurance Company’s car insurance policy customers can now enjoy the ‘Automobile Association Membership Discount’. Under Oriental Car Insurance Company’s car insurance policy a 5% discount on the Own Damage premium that is subject to a maximum amount of Rs. 200 is provided.

