Tutorial for the Liquidity Mining on Uniswap V2

Motoki Takahashi
Published in
4 min readMar 21, 2022


In order to accumulate more liquidity of ETH/INSURE pair in Uniswap pool, as the result of the snapshot voting, Liquidity Mining for ETH/INSURE pair on Uniswap v2 will start this Thursday (3/24).

We chose Uniswap v2 for our new Liquidity Mining programme since this enables us to include Liquidity Mining into the liquidity gauge and allocate more rewards flexibly. Moreover, Uniswap v2 is simply more user friendly than Uniswap v3.

We will stop the Liquidity Mining on Uniswap v3 on March 26th. So, please withdraw liquidity from v3 and provide it to the v2 pool if you would like to participate in the new Liquidity Mining.


How to participate in the Liquidity Mining

Step 1 Go to the Uniswap v2 “Add Liquidity ” page
First of all, please click the title link from the “Underwrite” page on InsureDAO and go to the Uniswap v2 “Add Liquidity ” page.

You can go to the Uniswap page from the “Underwrite” page on InsureDAO

Step 2 Provide liquidity into ETH/INSURE pair on Uniswap v2
Click “Select a token” and paste INSURE token address “0xd83AE04c9eD29d6D3E6Bf720C71bc7BeB424393E”,
and input the liquidity amount you want to provide (you need to provide both ETH and INSURE with a 50/50 ratio on Uniswap v2).

First, you need to “approve INSURE”.

After completing the transaction for approving INSURE, you can supply liquidity.

You need to provide both ETH and INSURE with a 50/50 ratio

and you will get a Uni v2 LP token for ETH/INSURE pair in return.

You can check the LP token amount you will receive before you send a transaction

Step 3 Stake Uni v2 LP token
Once you get the LP token, then you need to stake the LP token into the “$INSURE Uni V2 Staking” pool.

Please click the “Stake” button of “$INSURE Uni V2 Staking” from the “Underwrite” page.

You can go to the “$INSURE Uni V2 Staking” page from the “Underwrite” page

and then, you can see the “$INSURE Uni V2 Staking” page.
Please input the LP token amount you want to stake and approve the LP token here first.

Approve LP token

Now, you can stake your LP token into the pool and that’s it!
You will start getting rewards!

How to claim rewards

You can check the reward amount and claim your rewards on the “$INSURE Uni V2 Staking” page.

Claim INSURE rewards on the “$INSURE Uni V2 Staking” page

How to withdraw liquidity

Step1 Unstake LP token
When you withdraw liquidity, you need to unstake the LP token from the “$INSURE Uni V2 Staking” pool.

Please click the “Unstake” tab on the “$INSURE Uni V2 Staking” page.
Then, input the amount you want to unstake and click the “Unstake” button.

Choose the “Unstake” tab

Step2 Withdraw liquidity from Uniswap

Again, you can go to the Uniswap v2 “Add Liquidity ” page from InsureDAO UI.

You can go to the Uniswap page from the “Underwrite” page on InsureDAO

This time, you need to go back to the liquidity manage page by clicking the top-left button.

Click the top-left button

Click the “Remove” button.

LP manage page

Select the amount to withdraw by the slider, approve the LP token, and send a remove transaction.

LP remove page

About InsureDAO

InsureDAO is a decentralized insurance protocol, allowing anyone to create an insurance pool easily to “Cover every single risk in DeFi space”. InsureDAO provides an insurance builder kit and insurance market. Additionally, we offer the lending function to INSURE token stakers.

If you are interested in learning more, check out our LP.

Also, you can join us on Twitter, Discord, or Telegram! :)

Twitter: https://twitter.com/insuredao
Discord: discord.gg/8BA5f5rurq
Telegram: https://t.me/InsureDAO

