Pessimistic has joined ReportingDAO as a new member!

ario | InsureDAO
Published in
2 min readDec 31, 2021

Today, we are glad to share the exciting announcement with you!
Pessimistic, a code audit company, has joined the InsureDAO community as a ReportingDAO member. As a member of ReportingDAO, they will investigate and help decide whether or not to pay out when a certain incident happens.

What is the ReportingDAO?

Here’s the brief overview regarding ReportingDAO.

ReportingDAO, a committee of security experts, is the third party judgment module making a decision whether to pay out when an incident occurs. A reporting member will be either selected or dismissed by our governance tokenholders.

We decide to delegate the decision making on the payment to the ReportingDAO rather than tokenholders directly since we suppose that many tokenholders will be also underwriters at the same time and they may have an incentive to reject the payment.

If you want to read more about the ReportingDAO, you can check our gitbook.
Also, you can read the following article:
Sentnl becomes a member of the ReportingDAO.

About Pessimistic

Pessimistic started in 2017 provides security audits of smart contracts, DeFi platforms, and whole blockchains.

Big thank you to the Pessimistic team and look forward to collaborating with you!!

Want to become a reporting member?

We are looking for security experts, such as a code audit company, to be reporting members.

By becoming a reporting member, you’ll earn trust from the crypto market as well as fees from reporting/assessing reports.

If you are interested in joining the ReportingDAO, please apply from the form below!

Also, you can DM us via Twitter or Discord😊


About InsureDAO

InsureDAO is a decentralized insurance protocol, allowing anyone to create an insurance pool easily to “Cover every single risk in DeFi space”. InsureDAO provides insurance builder kit and insurance market. Additionally, we offer lending function to INSURE token stakers. We will launch InsureDAO on Mainnet and Arbitrum in next January.

If you are interested in learning more, check out our white paper

Also, you can join us on Twitter, Discord, or Telegram! :)


