InsurePal — Gathering momentum

VouchForMe blog
Published in
5 min readApr 24, 2018

Update and news for contributors April 2018

InsurePal ICO completed on 16.01.18 — it took 23 seconds and the company had to return more than $120M back, as demand was off the charts.

Since ICO Insurepal team has grown to 23 people working in marketing, product development, actuary, finance etc. More hires to come. We have operational offices in London and in Ljubljana. In London we are renting an office in a fast paced office sharing center called Huckletree (

There is a genuine demand for what InsurePal is trying to deliver ! see links below to coinbase article and opinions from latest meetings and presentations. As you will see the team is very busy travelling and flying around.

InsureTech meet-up, London
Matjaz Peterman presenting at InsureTech meet-up, London
InsurePal CEO preparing to present at Allianz InsureTech day, UK

Recent Events:

London Blockchain Expo (18–19/04) — in Kensington Olympia.

This event which took place in one of the most iconic places in London had an incredible buzz. More than 6000 people came to listen , chat , and genuinely learn.

London Expo — One of 5 pages of companies registered

Companies from all industry spectrum (even agriculture) were there to learn and debate how to implement and use blockchain and IoT. And it was widely agreed that Insurance is indeed a place where there is more demand than ever. Moreover, it seems that for insurance blockchain applicability is only starting to rev its engine

Matt Peterman — InsurePal CEO sat on a panel hosted by Oliver Volk from Allianz and discussed InsurePal and how we all need to make the system more efficient by using smart tech in order to reduce fraud and therefore enable true and fair pricing.

Invitation only meet up

Matt Peterman then immediately flew to Budapest and attended an “invitation only” exclusive event organised by Willis Tower Watson ( he sat on the panel with people from Simply Business (sold to Travelers ) and Wenalyze.

Meeting attended by most of the biggest Insurance names such as Allianz, Axa, Zurich, etc. Speakers shared opinions about GDPR, P2P, social proof.

Marketing where it matters

In parallel to attending expos’ and meet-ups the team also flying all over Europe , for now Skype is ok for Asia, LatAm and US.. but soon the miles for management will start to increase. We are going everywhere to see clients who want to find a way to utilise InsurePal’s social proof for: car and health insurance, for car sharing, for storage renting, and other uses. The company receives daily emails for potential co-operation opportunities. Selecting the right ones is both challenging and exciting. Some dialogues are starting and some are already in a very advanced stage, where the intricate details are discussed regarding practical implementation into existing structures.

Team is growing

3 key hires, 3 external consultants signed and more to come. The hires relate to product development and product management. Consultants come highly recommended and will do well for InsurePal . Incredible to see the eagerness to join the project! Looking to hire two more developers (backend and front end) in next few months.

Liquidity for the token

All successful companies have one major thing in common and that is an economic link between management, founders, and contributors. It is very much the case here. Many team members elected to receive compensation in IPL as ongoing salary, and the founders have more than enough to care. All team members and founders have lock ups vesting in 1,2 and finally 3 years from now — meaning we are all into the long term. The token needs to do well for the right reasons, and these would be: good communication, good business progress, contributors mindshare and of course liquidity. Luckily I think the communication is getting better, and it will hopefully be slowly reflected in increased liquidity. Management in meanwhile is actively talking to a few new exchanges. No promises given but we are aiming to get on the good ones and to do it smartly. This week was important as we made few good connections which hopefully help to speed the process.

Product / Platform

Good progress has been made with the product, and after some good hard work both on the design / development and on the mathematics of social proof, we look to have real life demos and mobile apps in the next two weeks.

Key milestones:

· New version of product demos early by end of May — web app for mobile

· Signing contract for first implementation with an affinity/end users group planned in May

· First implementation (MVP) launch planned in September

· New Marketing/PR strategy to be ready in May

· New project website development in progress, launch planned early June

· Main Ljubljana office space adaptation works to begin in May, new space for up to 25 people to be ready in autumn

Overall the buzz is good, the vibes are strong and the work is being done. A lot of stuff is happening behind the scenes but not all can be shown. Loyalty is appreciated ! Respect to whole Insurepal community!

Chat with Insurepal team on Telegram where we are always active. We are also on Medium, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. You can trade with IPL token on HitBtc, Livecoin, Etherdelta and Forkdelta.



VouchForMe blog

Vouchforme is a next generation of peer-to-peer insurance based on social proof endorsements, fully harnessing the power of Blockchain innovation.