Is Europe a blockchain friendly environment? Let`s make it!

Matt Peterman
VouchForMe blog
Published in
2 min readFeb 2, 2018

Blockchain and cryptocurrencies have become a buzzwords, although not many fully comprehend the underlying technology and its disruptive power. Ignorance gives rise to fear and fear often leads to unreasonable and restrictive actions. That is why I am even more pleased with any invitations from the open-minded communities, giving us a chance for a creative discussion and forth ideas.

I happily attended yesterday`s meetup in Vaduz (Liechtenstein) and held a presentation on InsurePal`s social proof platform. The atmosphere of more than 60 enthusiasts representing different industries, including trustees, lawyers and bankers who support the newly emerging companies and rising crypto ecosystem was relaxed and motivational.

“We in Liechtenstein are one of the first financial centres to become aware of these opportunities, after the Crypto Valley in the canton of Zug,” said our host Klaus Stark. In that aspect, Some European countries, including Lichtenstein, Switzerland and Slovenia (where InsurePal originates from), have shown a warmer welcome for blockchain companies and now represent hot spots for a rising number of blockchain entrepreneurs.

And, it is a good thing that crypto community engages in an honest conversation and leads inclusive discussions about strategic placement of crypto companies within the existing economy. Only an open communication can pave a way a much more prosperous future for us all. I expect that legislation will quickly turn in favor of companies that endeavor into a what now seems an unknown area, but that shouldn´t necessarily imply threats. Quite the opposite — it just might open new business opportunities for the countries that are ready to embrace the blockchain economy sooner.

