Short stories with Aleš Tomažin

VouchForMe blog
Published in
3 min readJul 27, 2018

I’ve always been excited about new technologies and innovations, which is why I’ve been closely following the Blockchain technology and its development throughout the years. There was a time in my life when I had to ask myself if I’m willing to change and try something new or just watch it pass me by. And this is when I fortunately decided to switch to “the other side”. Coming from an insurance industry, what fascinated me the most about InsurePal and what initially caught my attention was it’s reliance to the social proof concept which connects the dots in this story and makes individuals (you and your friends) more responsible and diligent. If you look at it from another point of view, what is really amazing is that the InsurePal model goes all the way back to the beginning of insurance — where people would take care of each other. And this is something that we’re trying to bring back. InsurePal is all about taking care of the people you love!

Ever since we’ve finished our ICO, there hasn’t been a monotonous day in the InsurePal’s office. Our daily operations are pretty dynamical, from the most basic office tasks to a more complex development. I believe the team brings a lot of effort and hard work into making this project a reality and everyone adds great value to it.

“My motto is that insurance should become fun.”

Being involved in the traditional insurance world for a while, I act like a translator from traditional to the Blockchain world and vice versa in the company. My main assignment is to keep an eye on business partnerships or in another words helping clients to board onto our platform. This is a very straightforward process, hence the hardest thing is finding interesting and intriguing ways to introduce new concepts as social proof and Blockchain to our future users without making them intimidated of changes. The same goes when establishing new partnerships, as we need to make sure stakeholders understand our project front and back.

Our main focus right now is to bring the term “social proof” closer to individuals and show them all of the possibilities it has to be used in numerous areas of their lives. We are enabling users to collect and manage social proofs for various purposes and for various service providers.Using Blockchain technology for this purpose and giving users possibility to use cryptocurrencies is just a cherry in the top.

When a user understands the benefits and usefulness of our platform it makes our work much easier and the platform speaks for itself. By having clear focus, hard working team and strong commitment, I believe InsurePal has all the possibilities to become leading and established trademark for a platform dealing with social proofs.

Don’t believe us? Just watch.

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VouchForMe blog

Vouchforme is a next generation of peer-to-peer insurance based on social proof endorsements, fully harnessing the power of Blockchain innovation.