Short Stories with the Management Team; Damir Kervina, COO

VouchForMe blog
Published in
2 min readJun 6, 2018

There is never a shortage of ideas floating around InsurePal’s office when it comes to sharing and communicating our progress with the community, as we believe this is an essential part when moving our project towards to a more mature phase. Hence, we have decided to do series of short stories with InsurePal’s management team with divergent roles and responsibilities in the company. Sometimes short stories will be in the form of questions and answers and other times it will be team members sharing their experiences, news and progress in a few sentences. This way we can provide useful information to our community from every aspect beneath the surface of InsurePal’s project.

To start off our short stories the right way and to provide answers to some of the most frequently asked questions, we sat down with InsurePal’s COO Damir Kervina, who is extensively taking care of the product development.

The most common question we get from our community has to be “In which stage is currently the project?” can you give any specific answer?

Damir: During the last few months, InsurePal has evolved into a company that puts its product in focus. We are committed to shape it in a way that it brings as much real value to our users/customers. On the product development side, we are now coding the core backend functions as well as converting screen designs to HTML5 code of the web frontend. Other features will follow, such as token flow and blockchain transactions, but first the basic mechanics of the product need to be in place.

In your opinion, what seems to be the most difficult part of product development?

Damir: Same as always: trying to align the complex requirements from the business development side with the imperative that the product is simple to use and that it can be rolled out in time.

So, when can community expect to see the first version of the platform?

Damir: The first market implementation is due in autumn 2018, but we expect to let our community try out earlier (non-commercial) versions of the product before that.

Who will be InsurePal’s initial adopters? And if there are any specific agreements made with companies to join the initial adopters group?

Damir: We need to make sure that a wide audience is able to use our product. However, it is reasonable to expect that a slightly more tech-savvy and budget-aware public will be among its first users. As for deals, we are planning to not only reach out to UX professionals, but to also engage with our community during the test phase. This is part of the reason we are going to let them try the app before it’s finished.



VouchForMe blog

Vouchforme is a next generation of peer-to-peer insurance based on social proof endorsements, fully harnessing the power of Blockchain innovation.