Insurance & Quantum Computing

Join on 11 Feb a webinar tailored to insurance folks

The Bionic Underwriter
InsurTech? Now!


Screen Grab of Lloyd’s report cover

The mention of Quantum Computing as a technology has been slowly growing over the past year or so. But with the scars of so many technology dead-ends — most recently, maybe, the overhyped focus on blockchain in 2017–19 — insurance executives have a right to think they can just brush it aside as another thing for the geeks to work. As some say

If it’s really important I can pay attention to it in five years when the message is clearer

Well, for most tech that’s true, with Amara’s law (often attributed to Bill Gates) giving us a good justification:

We tend to overestimate the effect of a technology in the short run and underestimate the effect in the long run

However, quantum is different! And yes, of course I would say that as co-founder (along with Emanuele Colonnella) of Quantum London, but don’t take my word for it. Instead, join the upcoming Lloyd’s event.

Lloyd’s first quantum computing event

On Thursday 11 Feb Lloyd’s will host a webinar specifically on this topic with a presentation and…



The Bionic Underwriter
InsurTech? Now!

Tech-enabled innovation & change in insurance. Insurtech, IoT, parametric, AI, quantum computing, data-driven decision-making giving us bionic underwriting