2021.9.6–2021.9.17 Bi-Weekly Report Updated

INT Chain
Published in
2 min readNov 12, 2021


R&D Progress

Current progress

Continuous technical perfection of INT main chain

  • Study the route of INT 4.0 mainnet EVM upgrade (15%)
  • Optimizing INT 4.0 code
  • Improving the mainnet technical documents and added burning mechanism

Perfection of INT wallet and Explorer

  • Optimizing the mainnet 3.0 Web wallet
  • Exploring the mobile wallet-smart wallet reconstruction plan, consider upgrading to a multi-chain wallet compatible with INT 4.0 (5%)
  • Optimizing INT 4.0 block explorer, added display of burning transaction fees on block details page, parsed INT amount of UnDelegate and WithdrawReward on transaction page, and added annualized returns for mortgages on home page

Activity operation

Current progress

Distributing VIP Airdrop Reward

The airdrop for INT holders who swapped successfully was distributed on September 15th. The airdrop ratio is 10,000 INT: 1 VIP.

INT Node Support Program (Phase 1)

INT global node recruitment is in process, to better promote INT’s global node development, INT Foundation launched the first phase of the node support program on September 16th. Nodes that pass official review can get up to 500,000–1,000,000 INT support votes from the INT Foundation.

