INT Chain AMA(Dec. 21st) Summary

INT Chain
Published in
6 min readDec 24, 2018

Q1. Will there be a desktop INT wallet and full-node wallet?

A1: There is already a desktop version of the full-node wallet, which supports Mac and Windows. Users can go to GitHub to download and install: And there will be a desktop INT wallet. We will update you when it is ready.

Q2. When mainnet is released, will testnet remain online?

A2: After the INT mainnet launch, the test will still exist, which is convenient for developers to develop and test.

Q3. When new tokens are created (with unique token symbols) in the wallet, where could these tokens be exchanged for INT? Also, how would the value of the new tokens be defined?

A3: At present, there is still no channel for new tokens to be exchanged for INT. In future, with the improvement of the INT ecological construction, if there is a decentralized DApp exchange and the new tokens do have a certain value, the relevant trading pair can likely be opened.

The value of the new tokens depends mainly on the value of the issuer’s project itself, the contribution and prospect of the project team and the recognition by INT holders.

Q4. What are you plans to attract developers into intchain ecosystem? is int evm compatible?

A4: Now we have set up a developer community website to have more developers involved in INT Chain’s ecosystem. The link is In future we will consider hosting events such as the developer Marathon competition

INT Chain and evm are currently not compatible. Future upgrade plan will include this part.

Q5. Will you migrate to a two coins system?

A5: A two coins system is not supported.

Q6. What is the maximum theoretical and/or practical potential TPS for INT blockchain and its sub chains?

A6: At present, the TPS of INT Chain can reach 2000 in the testing environment. With the increase of business volume, we will adopt the methods such as capacity expansion, shortening the time of block generation, side chain and sub-chain to solve the performance problems brought by the subsequent business growth. In theory, 2000 TPS can fully meet the corresponding business needs.

Q7. When will there be available documentation for smart contracts on the INT blockchain?

A7: The documentation is already available on the GitHub:

Q8. Will there be a public stress test of the testnet?

A8: Yes, there will be.

Q9. Is there a way to bypass that private key asking it is asked too much in my opinion?

A9: For the security of the account, our program does not cache the private key. Based on your feedback, we will optimize it if necessary.

Q10. Did I understand correctly that the transaction fee at the beginning will be 0.005 INT and as soon as the performance of the main chain improves it will become cheaper?

A10: The minimum transaction fee is 0.005 INT. With the upgrade of main chain, the cost will probably be reduced.

Q11. Are you planning to implement a mobile wallet?

A11: Yes, of course, we are planning.

Q12. How long has the testnet been in development for and what have been the biggest obstacles the team has had to overcome?

A12: The testnet complete after several times of technical upgrade. We have been developing for more than a year. The biggest obstacles include node connectivity and performance issues in complex network environments.

Q13. Will the INT wallet support Multisig?

A13: Multisig is not currently supported.

Q14. How many Dapps will be running on the mainnet right after its release? Will they be able to utilize the node network as a computation network lending to data processing and intelligent decision making based on real-time IoT data?

A14: At present, we are unable to predict how many DApps will be developed. We believe that after mainnet launch, developers will see the value of INT Chain and actively participate in the development of DApp on the chain. We will provide them with comprehensive services and a platform of good user experience. In addition, we will introduce incentives or other measures to attract more developers to join the INT ecosystem.

Q15. What tps did you achieve during stress test?

A15: 2000tps in the testing environment as I explained above.

Q16. Are you planning to issue new supply for the block rewards? If yes, why not using a two-token model as initially stated in your white paper?

A16: At present we do not issue new supply and do not support two-token mode. The gas mechanism will not be adopted for our mainnet.

Q17. just tried the testnet it works very well but I noticed you can auto send int to your own wallet is it good for the network? as it will be easy to spam transactions and fee are very lows, so the spammer won’t lose anything?

A17: We will restrict this situation in many ways, such as the frequency of sending from a single address, the frequency of sending from a single node, the capacity of the transaction pool, etc. And when we determine the transaction fee, we have calculated it according to the performance of our mainnet. Although the current transaction fees are very low, it also costs a very high price to congest the entire network by the spam transaction.

Q18. How do you think you can handle lots of IoT devices with only 2000 tps?

A18: At present, 2000tps is enough to meet the demand. Later, with the increase of business volume, we will adopt the methods such as capacity expansion, shortening the time of block generation, side chain and sub-chain to solve the performance problems brought by the subsequent business growth.

Q19. What are the custom personal tokens for? I thought there was only need for 1: INT. This is an IoT platform, correct? Not a full-on smart contract platform.

A19: Considering the design concept of “one chain one application”, the application of side chain or sub-chain based on INT main chain may have the need to issue tokens, so a model for issuing tokens on the INT main chain is designed.

Q20. Any chance we can keep the test coins?

A20: The test coin is only used for the testnet. After the INT mainnet launch, the test will still exist, which is convenient for developers to develop and test. You can keep the test coins, but the test coins have nothing to do with the mainnet.

Q21. Has anyone been able to generate a keystore on a local build of the INT Wallet? I build from binary and downloaded the installed. Both error out while trying to generate a new account.

A21: You need to install the package of the peer node, refer to the GitHub guide, guide link:

Q22. Is it necessary to swap the tokens now or in the future?

A22: Now it is only a testing. The formal token swap will take place around the time when mainnet release.

Q23. Are there dynamic fees tied to USD? So that they adjust automatically when the price of INT rises or falls?

A23: The dynamic fee is not tied to the USD. Currently the gas fee is a fixed value, and the minimum is 0.005 INT. If you want to increase the transaction speed, you can increase the gas fee as needed.

Q24. Can you explain the voting system? What’s mortgage/unmortgage stand for?

A24: Before you vote, you need to mortgage your INT to get the votes; when you want to cancel the votes, you can unmortgage your votes and INT.

Q25. Sounds like staking? Do the coins ‘mature’ over time?

A25: Yes. The votes are valid until you unmortgage INT.

Q26. How many INT will it take to achieve node status?

A26: As long as your device can deploy our network and run it, you can become a node on the INT main chain. There is no mandatory requirement for the amounts of INT. Next we will announce detailed node plan and reward mechanism, please pay attention to the official announcement.

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