Final thoughts on Violence

INTD 1010
Published in
3 min readApr 12, 2016

Upon the completion of this course, my knowledge on the theme violence has expanded in multiple ways. This course has provided me with the critical thinking skills, to analyze, investigate and understand the different dimensions of violence. Gratefully, I’ve been able to analyze that one, people have different views on violence and what one may consider violence might actually mean no harm to another individual. Secondly, different cultures , religions and groups of people have their ideas on why violence is necessary and lastly the psychological damage caused due to violence are far more important than many additional matters society chooses to give attention to. One of the main sub sections in violence that caught my attention was the violence that animals suffered. I think animal abuse doesn’t always get the attention that it deserves. According to one of the class presentations, a staggering amount of violence is inflicted upon animals but the dark measure is quite high, meaning the cases don’t always go reported and unfourtantly that is why society isn’t always aware of it. The common idea of having pets was generally, for either protection or safety or to create more happiness or fill a void a person may be missing from their life. Sadly, that is not always the case, Humans have found another way to release stress and anger and that is to take it out upon animals. These inhumane acts of violence towards animals are not only caused my pet owners. Farmers and factory workers are also responsible for the brutality that many animals suffer. Violence is typically known to occur with humans but we tend to forget the animal violence is always very serious, especially because they cannot protect themselves.

Throughout the course, some very interesting information was revealed, which I found quite sad. This is the idea that certain religions support the concept that men ought to discipline their wives in a physical matter to maintain stability within their households and families. Sadly, many religions promote these kinds of ideas such as the Christian and Islam religion. A popular belief in both religions is that if the wife honors, respects and submits to her husband the marriage will generally last longer. Muslim men are allowed to discipline their wives on the grounds of disobedience .This means physical force, neglect and verbal abuse can be applied. It’s quite baffling that the idea of a husband respecting his wife doesn’t have much regard however the women respecting the husband holds a great amount of value. Generally, the common idea associated with religion is that, it is intended to create peace and harmony within a certain group of people, in hopes that they can be united and please their God , what happens when we find out that it secretly promotes domestic violence in marriages. I think it’s about time that as a society, we question whether religion is responsible for why men justify abuse and why we see high levels of domestic violence within certain cultures and groups of people.

Overall violence is still very prevalent in today’s society, in the course it has been understood that violence serves both a good and bad purpose. Although positivity can be seen in violence, the most common connation associated it with it, is a negative stigma. The kind of violence we see in today’s society ranges from physical violence, sexual violence, and verbal violence. These types of violence are responsible for the amount of problems that currently exist in today’s world. Teenagers are using violence to prove a point when they cannot communicate efficiently. The epidemic of domestic violence has continued to grow throughout the years and in some countries and religions it is actually a law to discipline your wife and children by applying violence. Laws have been implemented into the justice system over years in hopes that people will discontinue to apply violence within their lives, however realistically it is a part of human nature. During early states of the course, students were asked what kinds of words came to them, when they heard the word violence, if I do recall, I remember many students reciting words that were more seen in a negative light. Reflecting back to everything I’ve learned throughout the course , If the question what words come to mind on the topic violence was asked to me again , My response , Inevitable. Violence is simply inevitable. Ultimately all aspects of Human nature will always be difficult to sweep under the rug.

