My Perspective on Violence

INTD 1010
Published in
3 min readFeb 3, 2016

Violence can be looked at in various types of ways. Throughout historic events, violence was generally applied to attain some kind of goal. Going back to world wars, the holocaust, slavery and huge events that changed the world, violence was a tool of leverage to reach the ultimate goal in any of those given situations. As the world is progressing more and more each day, it is rather getting easier for people to access weapons. Children are also learning how to handle these weapons as Google has now become the “101 GO TO GUIDE” when something isn’t understood. Violence in media is also a tactic to get more viewers and ratings for television programs and movies. Usually action movies, popular video games, such as call of duty all are rated very high due to the intensity of violence exposed in it. Violence creates excitement and can make things more interesting. The violence that we are use to hearing is usually physical and as people we tend to look at it, in a negative light. Violence does have two aspects to it. The first form is the kind in which, it intends to harm one for illogical reason and usually the motive has negative intentions. Thus by all means does not mean violence should be used as there are more effective ways to get through issues rather than the use of violence. On the other hand, there is the aspect of defense, usually when one is put into danger or life threatening situations and has no choice but to apply violence. This is known to be the good that can be discovered in violence.
Violence in media is one of the leading causes of why people are violent. The influence that people get from media often times encourages them to be more violent. Violence in different scenarios are all found in mass media. Aggressive behaviors leading to violence attracts people for many reasons. It can make shows or movies more interesting and create that hyper, eager emotion in people. Violence is found in many sexual forms of media as well. The Book “50 shades of grey” has been rated very high due the sexual abuse involved in the book. Many females found the sexual abuse to be very appealing. After the book and movie a wide range of people desired that form of violence in their sexual lives , to some degree, sexual violence can be looked at positively.
The positive aspect of violence is that it can benefit people .People that are put in dangerous situation have no choice but to apply violence in those given situations. Violence has saved the lives of many. In situations such as relationship abuse, where in a particular circumstance the victim has to apply violence to save his or her life, which can be looked at as a defense mechanism. Animals also apply violence in cases where they are protecting their offspring, their caregivers and in other intense situations, for instance, if a physically disabled individual is self reliant on a dog to help defend him or her, in a dangerous situation where they cannot defend themselves. The dog might apply a force of violence to protect its caregiver and this can be an example of the positivity within violence.
However, the downside of violence is that is has become the substitute for solving problems effectively, Now a days, weapons are easier for people to get their hands on. Violence is reflected in many things such as sports, video games, TV shows, movies and other forms of media. We are taught that having traits of violence in our character can sometimes be looked at a positive thing. This is mainly so we don’t appear as inferior to people. Violence is also a tactic to threaten people; it instills fear and generally, is used to prove a point.

Personally , I am anxious to take my knowledge to new heights in regards to violence and discover what laws the Canadian charter might change or implement in upcoming years.

-Annette Kyeremeh

