Reflection of INTD 1010

Ashley Cameron
INTD 1010
Published in
4 min readApr 5, 2016

This course is simply amazing and I’m glad I have taken it. It shows everything happens for a reason. I dropped my prior semester and this course with a prior teacher last semester and now I know why. There are so many things I would like to cover.

We have clearly defined what violence is over the semester. Violence is generally accepted to be harming someone verbally, physically and/ or through emotional abuse. Concluding a life is a life to be taken care of on every level for everything; physically, verbally and emotionally. I firmly believed that one person could not make the difference between all the mistakes the world has made or even my own mistakes. After reading some papers and attending class and presentations, I have seen the vastness of what “violence” can cover. It is a very broad topic with a spectrum that is nor black or white.

I have concluded that violence is a reaction to fear in the world of the unjust. Consent is consent not just sexually. It includes making yourself aware of where your food and other products you consume, and consenting to be apart of that.

I stand by that people reacting in self defense is okay. But, better yet. Why not kill them with kindness? It has more impact and change can start with you. I am asserting a more non-violent, patient way of dealing with people and the world’s issues. It’s easier to take a breath and try to understand where that person is coming from.

So many things like opinions on politics, religion and war, promoting hate in the world. It is sickening. I believe that culturally society has been brought up since the beginning of time to be the way we are today. But there must be change if we wish to see change in our world. To correct or mend the mistakes we are making as of now and in our past. It starts with one person being aware of things going on and putting their foot down and saying no, we should try this. Not flat out expecting change from simple opposition but with solutions.

This change will by no means happen over night. Someone will always be unhappy. Take for example the Liberal’s coming into power after a long stretch of Conservative rule. Things are changing and changing for the better in my own personal opinion. I was very angry about the refugees and other changes at first. Then someone sat down with me and we talked about it and I realized, we were the refugees not that long ago ourselves. Who makes us so powerful or more than one race or religion?

The changes with the school system are using tax payers dollar to even out the system for everyone’s success. This is a step in the right direction, not a step on the toes of the rich. It’s meant to level the playing field so we can have a better economy for tomorrow.

The stuff going on with Donald Trump is just plain silliness. Oh the United States, always ready to fight for everything when they just need to lay their arms down and stop fighting and start loving more like Canada. We are known as Canadians for being so peaceful. That’s a legacy no one can take away. But we are not without unjust in our history or currently. Letting in refugees and putting all this money where we are doesn’t help our people thrive that are living on the streets of our own towns. Where is the love? We have taken over a country that is not ours. It belongs to the Natives of this country who we wiped out as immigrants ourselves. Who are we to judge?

Simply, what I’m trying to say is that change is needed NOW. Not, worrying about what happened in the past. “The Power of Now” is strong (This is a book by Eckhart Tolle- very wordy but worth the read, it is truly life altering). We have to start today and as my dad always says, “Breath and move EVERFORWARD.”

I leave you with the words of Avicii’s “Wake Me Up”:

“Feeling my way through the darkness/ Guided by a beating heart/ I can’t tell where the journey will end/ But I know where to start/ They tell me I’m too young to understand/ They say I’m caught up in a dream/ Well life will pass me by if I don’t open up my eyes/ Well that’s fine by me… So wake me up when it’s all over/ When I’m wiser and I’m older/ All this time I was finding myself/ And I didn’t know I was lost/ I tried carrying the weight of the world/ But I only have two hands/ Hope I get the chance to travel the world/ But I don’t have any plans/ Wish that I could stay forever this young/ Not afraid to close my eyes/ Life’s a game made for everyone/And love is the prize…”

References (2000–2016). Azlyrics. Retrieved on 28, March, 2016 from



Ashley Cameron
INTD 1010

I am a university student and writer. Aspiring to become a columnist for a magazine to fund my personal art (painting, various writings, drawing, photography).