Sam Mickey on Integral Ecology, Cosmopolitics, & the Catholic Left

Erik Haines
Integral [+] Facticity
2 min readJul 20, 2022

Integral Facticity # 11

Following my discussion with Chris Satoor on German idealism through the work of Jason Wirth & Sean McGrath along with its connection to various thinkers in the environmental movement — I thought it would be fun to have Sam Mickey on to discuss his work on the variety of integral ecologies, cosmopolitics & the Catholic left.

References and further reading:

  1. Sam Mickey | University of San Francisco (
  2. Sam Mickey | CIIS
  3. Welcome | Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology
  4. SUNY series in Integral Theory (Books)| State University of New York Press (
  5. The Variety of Integral Ecologies (Book)— Sam Mickey, Sean Kelly, & Adam Robbert
  6. Living Earth Community: Multiple Ways of Being and Knowing (Book) — Sam Mickey
  7. Integrating Ecology and Justice in a Changing Climate (Book) — Sam Mickey
  8. Coexistentialism and the Unbearable Intimacy of Ecological Emergency (Book) — Sam Mickey
  9. Whole Earth Thinking and Planetary Coexistence (Book) — Sam Mickey
  10. On the Verge of a Planetary Civilization: A Philosophy of Integral Ecology (Book) — Sam Mickey
  11. Integral Ecology: Uniting Multiple Perspectives on the Natural World (Book) — Sean Esbjorn-Hargens & Michael E. Zimmerman
  12. Dancing with Sophia: Integral Philosophy on the Verge (Book) — Sean Esbjorn-Hargens & Michael Schwartz
  13. Gregory Baum — Wiki
  14. Thomas Berry — Wiki
  15. Ralph Metzner — Wiki
  16. Stanislav Grof — Wiki
  17. Allan Combs — Wiki
  18. Sean McGrath (philosopher) — Wiki
  19. Deep Social Ecology with Jason Wirth | Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology
  20. Directors | Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology
  21. Thomas Berry (foundation)
  22. Mary Evelyn Tucker — Wiki
  23. John Allen Grim — Wiki
  24. Bernard Lonergan — Wiki
  25. Jacques Maritain — Wiki
  26. Leonardo Boff — Wiki
  27. Comparative and Continental Philosophy (
  28. Isabelle Stengers — Wiki
  29. Donna Haraway — Wiki
  30. Bruno Latour — Wiki
  31. Cosmopolitics (Book) — Isabelle Stengers
  32. Mountains, Rivers, and the Great Earth: Reading Gary Snyder and Dōgen in an Age of Ecological Crisis (Book) — Jason Wirth

