First day of my second DrupalCon

Tamás Hajas
Integral Vision
Published in
2 min readSep 29, 2014


That feeling! Walkin’ through the square in front of Amsterdam RAI, the venue of this year’s DrupalCon (Europe). Getting closer to the entrance by every step and to know that I’m part of a good thing! This was my morning treat today.

I do not want to be pathetic, but it is really great.

While our CEO, @Kulcsi attended the business summit we (@juhasz, @csakiistvan and me) joined to the sprints. I seated in the front-end group, as I used to do in other Drupal events.


The first result of my sprinting was an issue I had to write in postponed state by default. It is about using h1 tag instead of h2 as nodes’ title at /node – a thing I planned to tackle with for a while. It is possible in HTML5 but have not been implemented by web browsers yet unfortunately.

So it was a little bit frustrating but this is a new knowledge too. And as Emma said “every issue helps push things forward”.

Later I created an issue about removing some id tags from Seven theme and worked on an other one I got from @lewisnyman.

Get that swag!

The Exhibit Hall opened around 17.00 and I was amazed by the number of exhibitors. So much companies provide Drupal related services! Not all the booths were in their full glory yet but even so I easily spent 1,5 hours there talking with people (it so easy to start to talk with someone here!) and getting a lot of T-shirts and other swag. (A lot! Really.)

A busy day

…is coming on Tuesday. Now I’m a mentor so there are things to learn about and than help others. (To tell the truth I always aim to do so but it is not a special thing: others do the same thing at sprints. This is our Drupal community!)

I also plan to attend sessions (e.g. Dries’ keynote of course), check the front-end issue queue and hang out at the evening. See ya! ☺

