Introducing the Skunkworks Lab at

3 min readMar 7, 2022


At, we pride ourselves on being a deep tech startup that embraces the need and desire to create new technologies in order to solve problems that don’t otherwise have solutions today. Specifically, we’ve been laser focused on achieving our mission of using machine learning to maximize participation and benefit to people while maintaining trust.

To best put ourselves on the path to success, we continue to push the boundaries of what is known and what is possible. To us, this means taking on bold technology bets in exciting areas, which we find to be highly relevant as well as aligned to our core values at For some examples, we have and continue to invest a great amount of our time and energy in the areas of multi-party machine learning (such as Federated Learning) as well as privacy-preservation. Today though, I’m thrilled to share with you that the next bold technological bet for is within the new, exciting, and very fast-moving space of web3.

Why Web3?

We find web3, which hinges on the notion of decentralization (of ownership and reward/benefits), to be highly aligned with our desire to build systems that maximize participation and benefit to people (rather than just a few central organizations). Moreover, new infrastructures are being built within web3 and information (data!) is beginning to flow through them. The rate of applications, thus new data, will only continue to increase in the coming months and years; and, we believe that the expertise that we have acquired through the years of inventing and commercializing trusted machine learning solutions put us in a position to add an important perspective to the web3 movement.

The New Skunkworks Lab

To dedicate ourselves towards this space, we are launching a new Skunkworks Lab that will set out to gain perspective on some key questions for, in particular, the role we could play in accelerating key projects and pushing new innovation in web3. Note that the Skunkworks Lab is going to function separate from the main company, but will of course look to leverage our past technologies and experiences in trusted and distributed machine learning since it will be through that lens that we aim to discover and invent new opportunities. There will be a lot of learning in the coming weeks and months, and we intend to do this via building and iterating on new technologies as well as engaging with relevant people and communities. We are here to learn, help, and contribute!

We’re very excited to venture into this space, and we hope you join us in our journey. Community is an essential component to the web3 movement, and we hope to build a thriving one with you all. In the weeks and months ahead, you can expect us to be honest, engaging, and open about the things we’ve learned and are looking to build, through artifacts such as blog posts, demos, working prototypes, etc. If you’re interested in engaging with us on any of these topics, please don’t hesitate to reach out — let’s build something great together. LFG!

