Integrated Digital Marketing Chronicles

Convey & Promote Your Brand

Deanna Baisden
Integrated Digital Marketing


You’ve established your brand values and goals, now what?

In the second stage of the Integrated Digital Marketing process, we examine some effective tactics and actions you can take to convey and promote your brand.

Learn why it’s critical to develop and leverage digital content to efficiently convey your brand message, expertise, and creativity throughout your website, social, and mobile channels.

After the development of a defined content strategy, social channels are utilized to effectively promote your brand message and content.

This modern level of engagement can really be a game changer for brands, allowing them to directly foster the conversation while attracting potential consumers.

I wonder… how would history have changed if we always had social media?

Watch the video below to see how the second chapter of the IDM chronicles unfolds!

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Deanna Baisden
Integrated Digital Marketing

Promoter. Designer. Communicator. Traveler. | Social Media Strategist for @SyneCoreTech | Tweets & Captures @deannabaisden