4 steps to start using social media in your work as an internal communication manager

1- Analyze your organization You need to discover what organizational needs will social media best support. Interview managers and employees to know their expectations about the project and don’t forget to consider that some of them may need training for using the new media since the older workforce are not comprised of digital natives.

2- Find the matching platform There are many different social platforms and each offers advantages and disadvantages. It’s up to you to choose the one that best suit your organization’s needs.

3- Make a realistic implementation plan Implementing internal social media in an organization requires a change in the working culture, which will take time. You need to be patient, make a pilot study to gain experience and to engage employees in the project.

4- Persuade top management When presenting to a top manager, you have to emphasize that this change benefits not only the employees but also the overall business strategy. Your project will be stronger if you have the support of different sectors of the company.

