Internal Communication Manager: Spreader of Positive Messages?

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What is an internal communication manager? Answer by a proffesional. By rawpixel on Unsplash

We spoke to the communication manager of Hebdos Communications. Check out what he told us about its job and the social media:

At the beginning of our seminar, most of us did not fully understand what the job of an internal communication manager includes. As a professional working in that field, can you tell us more about your job?

First of all, it is a profession that spreads positive messages in a company — about the used strategies, the HR policy, the news, the actions of the external communication for developing the reputation of the company. It offers also an opportunity to communicate with the employees outside the legal framework (the representative institutions of the personnel). This position is closely attached both to the management and the HR department. The ICM does not hold a full-time position and often is in charge with the company’s external communication.

What tools does the internal communication manager use for their job — intranet, emails and meetings, social media?

Our internal communication involves letters, which are sent to all the staff members once in every three months. In addition, there are an internet site and intranet of the company. We use little social network. Linkedin is rather used by the HR department.

How did the social media change the job of an internal communication manager?

Nowadays, social media are not very popular when it comes to internal communication or creation of internal social networks. They are used mainly for one-off commercial incentive operations.

What social media do you use in your job?

Facebook and LinkedIn mainly for HR and external communication.

