How Integrify helped my start-up find coding talent

Lasse Diercks
Published in
2 min readMar 14, 2017

As a co-founder of multiple tech companies I am always on the outlook for cutting edge coding talent.

And this can be quite challenging…

In Finland there is a significant lack of coders leading to minimum 7,000 unfilled jobs costing the society billions of Euros every year. At the same time Finland has taken in more than 30,000 asylum seekers that are desperately looking for jobs and creating a new life here.

This is exactly what we are solving with Integrify. Integrify is a young Finnish company that teaches coding to skilled and motivated asylum seekers. The result: often segregated and unemployed asylum seekers become employed and integrated coders filling needed tech jobs.

We have already completed a pilot program with great results; 100% of our graduates are today in a paying job in the tech sector and we added 10 tech companies as partners.

Therefore, I decided to test the program myself in a company I am running (Biddl) to test the concept in practice. The outcome beat my expectations; not only does the company get great incredibly motivated coding talent, but it also helps a person out that is in real need.

And even better…

There is a real social benefit to the team as the diversity has improved the working culture, collective environment and motivation of the team. We know we are doing something good together, but at the same time we have gotten a new team member that is thirsty for knowledge — not a weak link.

What do you get for joining Integrify’s program?

In summary, joining Integrify’s program will give you three clear benefits:

  1. Access to talent pool — Check out our currently available developers and upcoming talent pool and identify and on-board your preferred coder.
  2. Access to workshop — Conduct workshops and training session to increase employee commitment.
  3. PR Upside — Market your participation and journey with the asylum seekers via social media (such as this).

All new partners will be covered on our web page and social media via blog posts, Facebook, and Twitter. Further, you can help by donating computers for our training program.

We are always looking for new interested partners to grow the program. To participate or hear more, please reach out to Integrify on our homepage or just contact me on LinkedIn.

Integrify represents an outstanding chance to simultaneously improve working culture, get top-class coding talent, great PR and do something good. A true win-win!

Lasse Diercks

