100% of Integrify’s graduates are working in full time jobs

Hope Makara
Published in
2 min readSep 6, 2018

Integrify, a company that is enabling integration through technology is taking Finland by storm. In December of 2017, 12 newcomers started at Integrify studying web development for 6 months. Would you like to know where they are now?

We are proud to announce that 100% of Integrify’s graduates are working in full time jobs as junior developers!

After the 2015 refugee crisis, 3 guys Daniel Rahman, Lasse Diercks and Niklas Lahti were troubled by the number of intelligent, educated, driven yet unemployed immigrants living in Finland and the lack of developers in growing businesses. They decided to do something about it — and thus, Integrify was born.

Employers need coders, and they need them now. There is a serious shortage of software developers in Finland and Integrify is ‘killing two birds with one stone’ by eradicating the shortage of software developers and integrating immigrants into the work force.

Integrify Class of 2018 Graduates

All of the former participants pictured above, were unemployed before starting the Integrify training program. And now… with the help of Integrify and its staff, all have found new careers in IT-software consultancies, tech companies, start-ups and even at the city of Helsinki.

After only 6 months of intensive coding, one-by-one the graduates, began settling into new jobs, signing contracts, and all were no longer unemployed by the summer of 2018.

With the class above all in full time jobs, within the span of less than a year, Integrify is convinced that ALL of the upcoming October 2018 graduates will also get employed as software developers.

One former student at Integrify said:

“I am grateful to Integrify for providing the needed, refining platform that gave me the opportunity to secure a dream job.”

Another participant, when asked to summarize what Integrify does answered:

“At Integrify you get cool coding skills, awesome job, bunch of new friends and a cool T-shirt. It’s a great programme!”

Integrify, at the moment is fielding a thousand applications for those looking to start training in web development as soon as possible. That means, more front-end, back-end and full-stack coders for Finland specialised in the latest technologies such as JavaScript, React, Redux, Node.js among others.

The current curriculum at Integrify, that about 50 students are learning at the moment, contains a 60/40 split between front-end and back-end training. This gives the coders training in building scalable web-sites and apps on different platforms utilizing micro service architecture.

Some of the partner companies that are already taking advantage of Integrify’s surplus of coders include: Wunder, Digia, Vertics, Pixels, Avaintec, blidz, City of Helsinki and more.

If you want to become a partner and have access to new and highly trained coders, visit Integrify’s partner page and find out more or contact CEO Daniel Rahman (daniel@integrify.fi) directly!



Hope Makara

@Wannabe writer exploring the world of tech, social work, start-ups, and making the world better for you and me.