After the Crowdloan: What’s Happening Next

Integritee Network
Integritee Network
Published in
2 min readFeb 17, 2022

With a successful Kusama campaign behind us, the next step is to distribute supporter rewards and migrate to the parachain. This is what lies ahead.

Our Kusama parachain lease period is nearly here — it starts on the 20th of February and will run for 48 weeks. Of course, our priority now is making sure that all contributors receive their rewards before that begins.

Crowdlender rewards in detail

All TEER rewards to crowdloan backers will be issued on Monday, February 21, and unlocked automatically, block by block, over the 48-week lease period. At the end of the period, all KSM contributions will be returned.

Supporters will at first be able to view their rewards (whether unlocked or not) in their polkadot.js wallet via the Integritee Solo Chain. Once the solo net has migrated to our parachain, this information will be accessible by clicking the main menu in polkadot.js apps, navigating to “Kusama & Parachains”, and selecting “Integritee Network”.

The great migration

Since we are relying on Parity Technologies to initially seed the parachain, we don’t expect to occupy it until March. As the first project to migrate a solo chain to Kusama with the new seedling approach, we think it’s worth waiting for Parity to provide the necessary building blocks for a seamless transition, rather than finding our own way and stumbling into unforeseeable issues.

As usual, we’ll be keeping our community fully updated on our progress via Telegram — join us there for all the nitty gritty. Key milestones will also be shared on Twitter and LinkedIn.

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About Integritee

Integritee is the most scalable, privacy-enabling network with a Parachain on Kusama and Polkadot. Our SDK solution combines the security and trust of Polkadot, the scalability of second-layer Sidechains, and the confidentiality of Trusted Execution Environments (TEE), special-purpose hardware based on Intel Software Guard Extensions (SGX) technology inside which computations run securely, confidentially, and verifiably.

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L2 Sidechains | Trusted Off-chain Workers | Teeracle | Attesteer | Securitee | Incognitee

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Integritee Network
Integritee Network

Unchain the value of sensitive data. Integritee combines the trust of Polkadot with the confidentiality and speed of off-chain, enterprise-grade hardware.