Purposeful Peace of Mind (& Heart)

W Brad Swift
Integrity Magazine
Published in
3 min readNov 8, 2019

ahhhhhh. I often take a deep breath after saying that as a way to deepen my connection and awareness to this state of spiritual serenity

Photo by Christian Wiediger on Unsplash

There is something that we all have that I feel is one of our most valued and cherished treasures. It’s the peace of mind, and when I use that phrase, I also include peace of heart. I often refer to both as my spiritual serenity. I so value it that I’ve given it a revered position as the last thing I say in my life purpose statement:

My life on purpose is to live an inspired and inspiring life of purposeful, passionate, and playful service, a life of mindful abundance balanced with simplicity and SPIRITUAL SERENITY. There it is — — ahhhhhh... I often take a deep breath after saying that as a way to deepen my connection and awareness to this state of spiritual serenity, this peace of mind, this connection to the cosmic consciousness and creator of this incredible cosmos within which we live.

Is there anything more important than our peace of mind? Yet, how often do we trade something less for this most valued treasure? I walk into my daughter’s room in the morning to find her dog has chewed up another one of her shoes, and at that moment, I have a choice IF I choose to take it. Often I don’t take that moment of choice but instead, operate in reaction mode. That d — — dog! Why can’t Amber put away her shoes? Boy, did I do this when I put the dog in her room last night? On and on. Yet, the good news is that the moment of choice is still there. At any given moment, I can notice that I’ve sold out on my peace of mind, and in the next moment, I can trade back.

I take a deep breath and slowly let it out. I acknowledge the trade I have made, and I forgive myself. I take another deep breath, as I realize in the Big Picture of this incredible cosmos, a chewed shoe is just a chewed shoe, and hardly worth another moment of my peace of mind. I take one more deep breath for good measure, and I go about cleaning up the debris … And begin working on how I can break the news to Amber in a way to minimize the amount of peace of mind she may lose.

Peace of mind. Don’t leave home without it, and don’t trade it for anything less than more of the same.

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W. Bradford Swift has enjoyed a combo career as a writer and life coach for over thirty years and now coaches aspiring authors to write that someday, one day book TODAY. http://wbradfordswift.com/writing-coach/



W Brad Swift
Integrity Magazine

Author, coach, and visionary purposefully playing to create a world that works for all beings including humans.