The Power of Engagement Part 2 — The Five Ingredients of Engagement

W Brad Swift
Integrity Magazine
Published in
4 min readNov 20, 2019

I can have a relationship with my wife as business partners that either arises from the fear, lack and struggle of the Inherited Purpose, or from our Divinely Inspired Life Purposes.

Photo by Rachael Crowe on Unsplash

Today we’re going to explore a 5-part model to give us access to the incredible gift of Engagement.

The following is a brief overview of those 5 parts:

1. 1. Expanding The Foundation Of Connection and Relationship: The room we have to contribute and be contributed to is in direct proportion to the depth and breadth of our connection to other people and to the world. Being related is the foundation of engaging people in the possibility of living on purpose.

2. 2. Exploring What’s Possible: Once we’re deeply connected and in relationship with other people, we can then enter into a conversation that explores what is possible in living a life on purpose. We’ll explore a proven, powerful way to create possibility in people’s lives called Creating the Gap of a New Visionary Reality.

3. 3. Examining the Resources for Fulfilling the Possibility: Once we’ve thoroughly explored a possibility, the next natural step is to want to fulfill it. Often times we want to jump into action, but depending on the size of the possibility, we may be missing an important step — determining what resources are needed to fulfill the possibility. This is where the who, what, when and how of possibility thinking comes into play.

4. 4. Exchanging Energy Thru Action: Of course, we know that nothing happens to bring our visions into physical reality without action. This goes back to the Insight + Action = Growth and Development formula. What actions will be taken, by whom, and by when?

5. 5. Embracing Integrity, Wholeness, and Completion: It’s easy to drop this last step out, but if you remember to put it in each time, you’ll build momentum in your engagement process. This is where you acknowledge what happened, complete on any upsets, learn from the mistakes and celebrate the accomplishments both with yourself and with those who assisted in the process.

Now, let’s look at each of these five steps in more detail, starting with step one today. Remember, as you do so, to keep mapping these ‘sub-distinctions’ on your life by asking yourself the question, “How can this be applied to my life situation?”

1. Expanding The Foundation Of Connection and Relationship

2. Being related is the foundation of engaging people in the possibility of living on purpose. As human beings, we’re relational by nature. We have a relationship, not only with ourselves but also with other people and the world at large.

3. In fact, this can be a very powerful way to view the world — to consider that it’s a world of relationships. I have a relationship with myself, and that includes my true Self (my Divinely Inspire Life Purpose Self) as well as with who I’ve considered myself to be (my Inherited Purpose Self). And that’s just the beginning. I also have a relationship with my wife, Ann — in fact, we have multiple different types of relationships. We’re husband and wife, business partners, best friends, parents to our daughter, and soul mates. I also have multiple relationships with my daughter, Amber. Of course, we’re just getting started. I have a relationship with virtually every other person in the world, and they, in turn, have a relationship with every other person as well. (And lately, more and more of us are more connected via the other phenomenal web of relationships — the Internet.) But it doesn’t stop there. I also have a relationship with stuff like a computer, home, car, money, clothes, food, etc.

4. When we combine this way of thinking about the world with the additional distinctions of Inherited Purpose and Divinely Inspired Life Purpose, life becomes very interesting indeed. So, I can have a relationship with my wife as business partners that either arises from the fear, lack, and struggle of the Inherited Purpose, or from our Divinely Inspired Life Purposes. And truth be told, sometimes we relate to each other from one and sometimes from the other.

5. But knowing this and recognizing what is shaping the relationship can make all the difference in the world as we will see in part-3 of this series.

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W. Bradford Swift has enjoyed a combo career as a writer and life coach for over thirty years and now coaches aspiring authors to write that someday, one day book TODAY.



W Brad Swift
Integrity Magazine

Author, coach, and visionary purposefully playing to create a world that works for all beings including humans.