The Power of Engagement Part 5 — Exploring What’s Possible by Creating the Gap

W Brad Swift
Integrity Magazine
Published in
3 min readNov 27, 2019

What is the possibility for you of knowing your life purpose with crystal clarity? What might it look and feel like to know your life purpose and be living true to it?

Photo by adrian on Unsplash

One way of beginning to explore what’s possible from a Life On Purpose Perspective is to create a gap with a visionary reality. For example, if I’m in a new relationship with a person who is exploring hiring me as their coach, I’ll encourage the person to share with me where they presently are in their life and where they long to be in the future. Between these two points is the Gap. It’s also where the Purposeful Path lies. I have found that the greater the gap is, the more creative tension there is to close the Gap. This creative tension can be a powerful force for moving ahead in life.

1. As I’m listening to the person create this Gap for themselves, I’m checking in with myself to see to what degree I resonate with what they want to be up to in their life because I’ve come to realize that the more resonance there is the more magic and miracles we can create together. Ann was recently sharing with me how much she loves and enjoys her clients. She said, “I get excited when they share their Purpose Projects with me.” That’s a resonance that can make a real difference in the relationship. The possibility that exists within those Purpose Projects becomes more real and doable.

2. What I’ve also found through the years is that many people have trouble ‘hanging out’ in a conversation for possibility long enough for the possibility to really take over and start to breathe on its own. Many people’s dream machines seem to be broken or frozen up from lack of use. They have trouble actually envisioning their life to be significantly different than it is in the present reality, or they begin to explore what’s possible, and before you know it, they’re ready to jump into action…before the possibility has been allowed to grow and evolve.

3. So, it’s important to allow the possibility to simmer and grow on its own, helped a bit by the strategic use of thought-evoking questions like:

• What is the possibility for you of knowing your life purpose with crystal clarity?

• What might it look and feel like to know your life purpose and be living true to it?

• How will these possibilities contribute to life (yours, the other person’s, the world)?

• What Purpose Projects might you create that would allow you to be, be known and to express your purpose into the world?

• How will your purpose project serve and contribute?

• What’s in it for the other person or people?

  • Where in your life would a deeper sense of purpose, passion, and play make a difference?

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W. Bradford Swift has enjoyed a combo career as a writer and life coach for over thirty years and now coaches aspiring authors to write that someday, one day book TODAY.



W Brad Swift
Integrity Magazine

Author, coach, and visionary purposefully playing to create a world that works for all beings including humans.