Partnership: Bytom and

Steve Park
Published in
2 min readDec 18, 2018

At Integro our goal is to create a decentralized learning management system (LMS) that rewards users for learning and help build a marketplace for content which can be used by the entire education space that include universities, colleges, institutes, organizations and content creators.

As part of this effort we have partnered with Bytom, a blockchain protocol that bridges the atomic (physical) world and the byte (digital) world to build a decentralized network where various byte assets and atomic assets could be registered and exchanged, and created content where developers and persons interested in Bytom across the world can learn about what Bytom is, its purpose, and development of smart contracts on the Bytom blockchain.

Also, as an additional step forward, Bytom and Integro will be working closely to reward users with cryptocurrencies for learning on the platform and writing Bytom smart contracts to be contributed to the Bytom community world-wide.

Integro’s community as well as the education network will truly benefit from the open-source smart contract development guide provided by Bytom and additional educational content that will cover the principal aspects of blockchain technology in the near future.

Navigating through the course

How to get started?

Bytom’s Education Network is now available using Integro’s LMRS and you can register with a one step process! → Sign up Below

About Integro is committed to breaking the boundaries of intellectual capital. We are building a Learning Management and Reward System (LMRS) to solve the problem of engagement and it’s adoption by rewarding employees and students. Organizations, Institutes and Governments will be able to incentivize learning by offering their own tokens and cryptocurrency. Integro will provide a platform powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) to organizations and institutes to manage their content and customize their learning programs. By design Integro’s platform is decentralized and its IGRO tokens will allow running the application’s Masternodes, Private nodes, White Labels and student enrollments. The Integro platform is poised to disrupt the way content is aggregated and delivered.

Please reach out to us at and learn more about how we can transform education and change the way we learn!

Also check out our Youtube channel for more instructions on using our platform and stay tuned for more updates and the educational content we host on our platform!

