Partnership: RSK Labs and

Steve Park
Published in
3 min readDec 17, 2018

At Integro our goal is to create a decentralized Learning Management and Reward System (LMRS) that rewards users for learning and help build a marketplace for content which can be used by the entire education space that include universities, colleges, institutes, organizations and content creators.

As part of this effort we have partnered with RSK, the first open-source smart contract platform with a 2-way peg to Bitcoin that also rewards the Bitcoin miners via merge-mining, allowing them to actively participate in the Smart Contract revolution, and made RSK’s blockchain education content available in our marketplace for the public to study at no cost.

RSK and Integro will be working closely to increase blockchain mainstream adoption by making education easy to access at no cost to students and aid in discovering the potential of this technology.

Integro’s community as well as the education network will truly benefit from the open-source education content made available for all. With RSK as a starting point, Integro is working hard to bring on board more content that is valuable and beneficial for students, employees, and users across the world.

This is what RSK had to say:

“At RSK we believe that blockchain technologies enable for a better and more inclusive financial system that will improve the life of millions, and we need the technology to be widely adopted for this to take place.

With our Educate Program on Integro’s Learning Management & Reward System (LMRS), our community will have access to a wide range of topics, use cases of RSK, be certified consultants and also be rewarded for learning about RSK. We believe that Integro is powered to aid blockchain revolution in the education space” .
- Brian Borsz, Business Development at RSK Labs

Begin Studying with RSK!

RSK’s Blockchain Education Course is now available using Integro’s LMRS and you can register with a one step process! → Sign up Below

RSK Announcement:

About Integro

At Integro we are developing a Decentralized Application Layer (iDAL) that will enable organizations large and small to share their application deployment infrastructure in a safe, secure and a transparent manner. The nodes and the deployed applications will both be rewarded while creating an ecosystem of growth and profitability. Now anyone can be a self-governed cloud provider.

Integro’s Learning Management and Reward System (iLMRS) solves the problem of engagement and it’s adoption by rewarding employees and students. Organizations, Institutes and Governments will be able to incentivize learning by offering their own tokens and cryptocurrency. LMRS will provide a platform powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) to organizations and institutes to manage their content and customize their learning programs. The LMRS platform is poised to disrupt the way content is aggregated and delivered.

LMRS is an application deployed on our Flagship Protocol: iDAL

Please reach out to us on Telegram: and learn more about how we can transform the cloud space and infrastructure!

Also check out our Youtube channel for more instructions on using our LMRS platform and stay tuned for more updates and the educational content we host on our platform!

