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Integromat has an official Facebook Community!

Arpit Choudhury
3 min readJun 4, 2018


We have discontinued our user forums and will now be focused on creating value for our users via the newly launched Facebook group. Do spare a few minutes to read on to understand why this move is important for us and a majority of our users.

While forums are great and can be used in so many cool ways, people and engagement lie at the core of a successful forum. People beget engagement and vice versa. And for us, it was a chicken and egg problem, the reasons for which I’ve tried to explain below:

  • As a product, Integromat primarily attracts people looking to save time by automating manual tasks. And once the scenarios are up and running, there’s little motive for one to return to the app regularly and participate in discussions.
  • Unlike many other products that serve a core purpose (email marketing, lead generation, building chatbots etc), Integromat enables one to use it in more ways than one can imagine. With over 220 apps and thousands of modules, the possibilities are literally endless. There’s no common theme or goal amongst our users and that contributes to a lack of engagement.
  • Integromat has grown pretty fast in the last 12 months and we are still investing on ramping up our support operations. Responding to tickets (from paying as well as non-paying users) is a priority over creating engagement on the forums. Moreover, we often found ourselves responding to same queries on both channels and that certainly did not serve the purpose for which the forum was built in the first place.

On the other hand, a majority of people who actually use our product (not companies but people in those companies) spend significant time on Facebook, making it very easy for them to follow discussions and participate even when on the move. Facebook is no longer just a social media website meant to stay in touch with friends and family. Troves of people mean business on Facebook and many of these people’s incomes are entirely dependant on being active and being able to network with stakeholders on Facebook. This massive growth in business-related discussions has been fueled by Facebook’s efforts to make Groups a robust product and not just treat it as a good-to-have feature.

Groups have enabled thousands of businesses of all sizes to build an audience and keep them engaged in real-time. Moreover, even niche products have been able to build highly engaging communities by initiating discussions, getting feedback, launching new features, providing support and a lot more. There has never been a tool that enables all of these so seamlessly. Our goal is to help people build digital experiences (or awesomations as I like to call them) while saving their precious time, and we hope to accelerate both by facilitating discussions and delivering educational content via our Facebook group.

In the coming months, you can expect the following:

  • A lot more discussions, making it easier for you to find answers by searching for topics on the group
  • A place to share what you’re building and gather rapid feedback from other users
  • Well-organized educational content in the form of Units (a feature that enables categorizing posts based on the topic of discussion)
  • Live webinars to show awesome use cases
  • Product updates and feature releases

I’d like to conclude by seeking your support through this transition and help Integromat evolve into not only the most-loved automation tool, but also make our community one of the most-thriving ones. When thousands of people from all around the world find a place to talk about common goals as well as help each other achieve those goals, amazing things happen!

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Arpit Choudhury
The Glue of the Internet

Building databeats to help organizations turn good data into growth, and in the process, beat the gap between data people and non-data people for good.