New features like Force stop, better work with arrays, tooltips and more

Ondřej Gazda
The Glue of the Internet
3 min readOct 19, 2016

We have added a several new features, which makes Integromat more effective.

Force stop

So far, when scenario execution was interrupted, you had to wait for the current module to complete its operation. It turned out to be a problem in situations where, for example, connection could not be established and the wait was unnecessarily long. Therefore, we added the “Force Stop” feature, which gives you the option to abort the scenario immediately without waiting for the completion of the current operation.

Help where it is needed

The tooltip for variables is now available everywhere without having to open the window for selecting variables. Just move the cursor to the variable and the tooltip will appear after a while.

Working with arrays

It is now possible to refer to a variable inside an array, both primitive and complex. More experienced users will appreciate the option to choose a specific position in the array from which the variable shall be mapped.

A preview of a long text and binary data

Up until now, log files created during the execution of a scenario showed only text strings up to 1 000 characters. If this limit was exceeded, Integromat only displayed information that the text was too long. The log file can now save text strings up to 10 000 characters. If the text is longer than it is possible to display, only the first 10 000 characters are shown.

In the case of binary data, only the first 100 bytes in hexadecimal form are shown. If the size of the transferred data is bigger than 100 bytes, the log file shows also the original size and SHA1 checksum.

Text data in binary form

If the format of the data transferred during the scenario execution is text in binary form, Integromat displays this data as text in readable form. If the data is stored in a format other than UTF-8, Integromat attempts to convert it to UTF-8. If it fails, the transferred text will be displayed in binary form.

We are working on more features, stay tuned!

