These 7 Tools Can Make Your Content Team Unstoppable By Enabling Them To Consistently Produce Timely, Shareable, and SEO-optimized Content

Arpit Choudhury
The Glue of the Internet
4 min readJul 18, 2019
Illustration from UnDraw

Every job requires tools to accomplish various tasks efficiently and in an error-free manner. Regardless of how knowledgeable or skilled one is, without the right tools, the output quality suffers and productivity goes for a toss.

If your content marketing team is struggling to produce the results you need to grow your business, read on to learn about the tools that can not only assist them but also make them unstoppable.

3 Experts Who Make a Great Content Team

A successful content team is a result of the right mix of people who complement each other. This means hiring experts to handle specific tasks rather than a generalist who can handle everything single-handedly but brings no core expertise.

Here are the 3 experts your content team must have:

  • SEO Analyst to handle keyword research, website analysis, and technical SEO audits
  • Content Writer to produce high-quality, relevant, and engaging pieces of content
  • Social Media and Outreach Specialist to distribute content and increase traffic

Below are the must-have tools for your content team:

For the SEO Analyst

The SEO analyst simply cannot perform without tools for keyword research, website analyses, and SEO audits. There are so many SEO-related tools and each has its pros and cons; below are two that just can’t go wrong.

An all in one SEO tool that started as a backlink analysis tool and is still by far the best link tool in the market. It can examine websites and present important data such as backlinks, keywords, traffic levels in a single screen, enabling you to make better decisions to develop content that ranks.

You can also identify errors like slow server response time that prevents a site from ranking high on SERPs.

Core features:

  • Site explorer
  • Keywords explorer
  • Link explorer
  • Rank tracker

Keyword Planner
This keyword planner by Google helps identify the right search terms, discover new ones, and get bid estimates for paid campaigns

Core features:

  • Keyword suggestions
  • Keyword search volume
  • Bid estimates

For the Content Writer

One of the major challenges of content writing is finding a relevant topic to write based on a given keyword. But that’s not all. A content writer also needs to write a catchy headline and develop content that satisfies Google’s algorithm.

Headline Analyzer by Sharethrough
A strong headline or title is key to the success of a piece of content. They determine whether somebody is going to read an article or decide to skip it. Therefore, crafting engaging headlines requires a lot of thought and some help from a headline analyzer like the one offered by Sharethrough.

Core features:

  • Headline quality score
  • Strengths of the proposed title
  • Suggestions to improve the score
  • Headline comparison

Hemingway Editor
This editor helps you create high-quality content by highlighting redundant terms and complex sentences. It also offers a readability score that tells you whether your article can be understood by a high schooler or not.

Core features:

  • Readability score
  • Highlights redundant adverbs
  • Highlights sentences that are in the passive voice
  • Highlights phrases that can use simpler alternatives

This smart writing assistant automatically finds grammatical and spelling mistakes that can be corrected at the click of a button.

Core features:

  • Vocabulary enhancement modules
  • Contextual spelling checker
  • Checks for inconsistent writing style
  • Checks for inappropriate tone or formality level
  • Checks for plagiarism

For the Social Media and Outreach Manager

Besides handling various social accounts, a social media manager also needs to keep track of content performance and analyze data to increase reach, traffic, and engagement. Moreover, finding blogs and influencers relevant to your brand is more important than ever before.

This content research tool helps you find the best performing content on any topic or even your competitors. You can then reach out to those who create such content directly.

Core features:

  • Content insights with advanced search and filtering
  • Backlinks pointing to any domain or page
  • Influencer search
  • Content alerts

This tool allows you to manage and track all of your social media activities while collaborating with your team and keeping everyone in the loop.

Core features:

  • Collaborative planning and publishing of social content
  • Manage social conversations from a shared inbox
  • Analyze performance and create reports


While adding too many tools to the repertoire is a problem affecting many businesses, not using tools that help utilize your resources better affects the bottom line negatively. When the right tools are given to the right people, magical things can happen. Those people become more efficient and at the same time, gain more fulfillment by doing what matters the most. After all, who doesn’t like a little bit of extra motivation coupled with some free time?

Thanks to Kelsey Jones of Diggity Marketing for her contribution to this article.

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Arpit Choudhury
The Glue of the Internet

Building databeats to help organizations turn good data into growth, and in the process, beat the gap between data people and non-data people for good.